Attorney Ki Sung-Yong “Legal action until next week”… “Take action” on the side of the revealer

Kee Sung Young
Kee Sung Young

[연합뉴스 자료사진]

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Ahn Hong-seok = Soccer player Ki Sung-yong (FC Seoul), who is suspected of inflicting sexual violence on his juniors in elementary school, is expected to take legal action against the suspicions soon.

Attorney Song Sang-yeop of Seopyeong, a legal representative of Ki Sung-yong, released a press release on the same day and said, “We will bring legal action to inquire about legal responsibility for the other party within 26 days.”

Attorney Song did not disclose specific details, such as whether to file a criminal complaint or a civil suit.

Earlier, on the 24th, C and D were exposed through lawyer Park Ji-hoon that they were sexually assaulted by their seniors A and B in January-June 2000 while they were in a soccer club at an elementary school in Jeonnam.

They did not mention Ki Sung-Yong’s name, but they could fully guess that Player A was Ki Sung-Yong.

On the 27th, Sung-Yong Ki held a press conference after the opening game of the K-League 1 of the professional soccer game on the 27th.

In addition, attorney Song urged to promptly disclose the’evidence’ that Mr. C and Mr. D claim to be secured, proving that Ki Sung-yong committed sexual violence.

C and D are in the position that if Ki Sung-yong filed a lawsuit, it would be disclosed in court.

Kee Sung Young
Kee Sung Young

[연합뉴스 자료사진]

Attorney Song argued, “The fact that the lawsuit will be revealed in court is aimed at the effect that only the period during which Ki Sung-yong is suspicious will be prolonged until the trial is finalized for several years until the third trial.”

“If the’definite evidence’ claimed by the other side is true, the person who will suffer the most damage is Ki Sung-yong,” he argued. “Since that Ki Sung-yong wants to disclose that evidence, there will be no legal obstacles to disclosure.” .

In addition, he repeatedly emphasized, “If there is a reason for a disability in disclosing’confirmed evidence’ in front of the public, please tell me anything.”

For the part where Mr. D cried and testified on the day before the MBC PD notebook that dealt with this case, Mr. Song criticized “(The broadcast provided a biased view to the people).”

Attorney Song released a recording of Mr. D’s call along with a press release, saying that it was provided to the broadcasting station, but most of it was not broadcast.

In the file, Mr. D speaks to the effect that there was no intimidation or threat of Ki Sung-yong, or that attorney Park proceeded to reveal arbitrarily without asking for confirmation and consent.

Ki Sung-yong at a press conference
Ki Sung-yong at a press conference

[연합뉴스 자료사진]

This is part of the conversation between Mr. D and Mr. E, Ki Sung-yong’s junior, on the 24th, when the incident was revealed.

C and D are arguing that at this point, Ki Sung-yong’s side has strongly tried to approve through E and others.

In fact, that evening, Mr. C and Mr. D also revealed to Mr. Park that they would not be with Mr. Park.

However, Ki Sung-yong’s side has never made a controversy, and Mr. E refutes that he tried to mediate himself without Ki Sung-yong’s request.

Meanwhile, attorney Park reaffirmed his existing position on the phone with Yonhap News that Ki Sung-yong is waiting for the first legal action.

Attorney Park said, “It is not appropriate for a lawyer to open the evidence to the public and have a public opinion trial,” he said.

He said that Ki Sung-yong’s side revealed part of the call between Mr. D and Mr. E on the same day, saying, “The content of the call is not new, and only a part of the call that we previously provided to some media in the form of a file has been edited. “Ki Seong-yong said, “Ki Seong-yong has not considered the context that Mr. D was in a very difficult situation mentally due to repeated contempt and pressure at the time, and only a part of the file was maliciously edited and released this time.”

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