Attorney General Park Beom-gye in the Chosun Ilbo “It’s just season 2 of Chumiae”

Jin-wook Kim and Beom-gye Park were appointed as the first Minister of Public Transport and candidates for the new Attorney General

On the 30th, President Moon Jae-in appointed Democratic Party lawmaker Kim Jin-wook and Park Beom-gye, respectively, as a candidate for the first high-ranking officials criminal investigation deputy chief and the new Justice Minister candidate. Both were former judges and reaffirmed their will to reform the prosecution.

The Hankook Ilbo, page 2, “The Ministry of Public Affairs and the Ministry of Justice’two-top judge’… In an article titled “The Moon Regime Running into Prosecution Reform Season 2”, “Researcher Kim Jin-wook was appointed as the first head of the airlift.” After three years as a judge, he took off his legal uniform and moved to Kim & Chang to work as a lawyer, and in 2010 he worked in the Constitutional Court. It was a message to the prosecution that the former prosecutor, Lee Kun-ri, was not the vice-chairman of the National Rights Commission, but the failure of researcher Kim.”

▲ Page 3 of the Chosun Ilbo on the 31st.
▲ Page 3 of the Chosun Ilbo on the 31st.
▲ Page 2 of the Hankook Ilbo on the 31st.
▲ Page 2 of the Hankook Ilbo on the 31st.

The Chosun Ilbo also interpreted in an article on the third page that “The’printing of Yoon Seok-yeol’ pushed by Minister Chu has failed due to a court brake, but it is interpreted as a means of continuing to push the’prosecution reform’ promoted by the current regime.”

The Chosun Ilbo insisted in an editorial that Kim was not well known to the legal profession. The Chosun Ilbo said, “I am very unfamiliar with the Moon Jae-in regime, so I am curious about what kind of relationship this regime pushed to be the head of the airlift so persistently.” In other words, they will comply with the instructions above. It is the opposite of Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol.”

▲ Editorial of the Chosun Ilbo on the 31st.
▲ Editorial of the Chosun Ilbo on the 31st.

Regarding the nominee Park Bum-gye, the Chosun Ilbo said, “The Democratic Party’s Attorney General made this mess, and the successor was appointed as the Democratic Party Minister. In the past, he was a person who was uplifting when Yun liked them, and was criticized when he investigated the illegality of the Moon regime. It is just’Season 2’of Chu Miae.”

The Hankook Ilbo, on the front page of a difficult year due to Corona 19

On the front page of the newspaper, the Hankook Ilbo looked back on the year 2020, which was difficult due to Corona 19.

The Hankook Ilbo said, “Last spring, the corona started like that. The mask soon became rich, but instead, the face was covered with the face. The news of the 4 Academy Awards of the movie’Parasite’, the entrance ceremony for the first year of elementary school, cherry blossom viewing, welcome party for freshmen, MT, spring picnic, summer vacation, Chuseok, fall sports, BTS Billboard 1st place, year-end party Do, Christmas Eve, and other small daily routines of 2020 were covered.”

▲ The first page of the Hankook Ilbo on the 31st.
▲ The first page of the Hankook Ilbo on the 31st.

The Hankook Ilbo said, “There is something that the mask has revealed. The sweat of a delivery driver, a nurse running to the scene, young women who are more vulnerable to Corona Blue, and the elderly in a nursing hospital. The mask reminds us of how closely the world is connected by revealing the hidden beings.”

Finally, the Hankook Ilbo said, “So, I hope that the last day of 2020 will be a time of determination not to forget this close connection. I recall the words of an American pedagogical scholar who said that when the mind is broken, solidarity and change are possible only when it is used as an opportunity to open the mind, not just to disperse it. “I wish that 2021 will be possible to show with the eyes of the masks that we can’t even reach our wide open minds even if a mask covers our faces.”

Closed to an all-time high with the 2800 KOSPI filming

2873. On the 30th, the last trading day of the stock market this year, the KOSPI index ended at an all-time high of 2873.47. Even Samsung Electronics surpassed 80,000 won based on the closing price for the first time. On the 28th, it touched the 80,000 won mark during the intraday, but this is the first time that the closing price has exceeded 80,000 won.

▲ 7th page of the Chosun Ilbo's economy on the 31st.
▲ 7th page of the Chosun Ilbo’s economy on the 31st.

In the midst of the bad news of Corona 19, ant investors entered the Korean stock market and opened an era of 10 million stocks. Securities companies’ customer deposits exceeded 66 trillion won (as of the 29th), a record high. The opening date of the stock market in 2021 is the 4th of next month.

The Chosun Ilbo covered this news on the front page and said, “This year, the KOSPI rose 30.8% from the end of last year, ranking first among the major 20 countries (G20). Last year, it was the lowest ranked 17th among the G20, and he wrote a hot anti-war drama.” “The ants, which were considered grains of sand, showed strong cohesion against foreigners and institutions and raised the stock price. It was a year when the ants showed off their strength enough to be called’Donghak Ant Movement’.”

▲ Page 2 of the Chosun Ilbo on the 31st.
▲ Page 2 of the Chosun Ilbo on the 31st.

However, they were also concerned that a significant number of ant investors had invested in debt. In an article on the second page of the Chosun Ilbo, Lee Mo, an office worker in his 30s, started investing by borrowing 10 million won with a negative bankbook. According to the Financial Investment Association on the 30th, the balance of individual credit loans has risen to 1.92 trillion won. It has increased to twice the level of the end of last year.”

The Chosun Ilbo said, “There were many ants who bought stocks with extra funds this year, but there were also many ants who made risky investments like gambling with debt. “The reason why the controversy arises is that the current stock price is not based on solid corporate performance, but is the bubble created by overflowing liquidity.”

They also expressed concerns about the current polarization in the stock market. The Chosun Ilbo said, “There are also concerns about the polarization of the Korean stock market. The market capitalization of the top 10 companies in the market capitalization is increasing, and the gap between large export companies and domestic companies is widening,” he said. “Samsung Electronics, SK Hynix, and the top 10 companies The ratio has recently reached 50%. The more the crisis is, the more polarization becomes, and this has also appeared in the stock market this year.”

Prosecutor, Lee Jae-yong, former vice chairman of Samsung Electronics imprisoned for 9 years

The Special Prosecutors’ Team Park Young-soo sentenced Lee Jae-yong to nine years in prison at a farewell trial to destroy the bribery case by Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman Lee Jae-yong. The prosecution pointed out that “in the case of bribery crimes, bribery of 8,680 million won is recognized,” but Samsung’s side insisted on probation, saying, “Vice-Chairman Lee is close to the victim of abuse of the presidential authority.”

The Seoul High Court Criminal Division 1 (Deputy Judge Jung Joon-young) held a decision on the 30th. On this day, a special prosecutor demanded 9 years imprisonment for Vice-Chairman Lee, who is charged with bribery, embezzlement, concealment of criminal proceeds, and perjury. It has been about four years since the trial in this case began in February 2017, and one year and three months after the destructive deliberation trial began. The sentence will be held at the Seoul High Court at 2 pm on the 18th of next month.

▲ 31st Hankyoreh editorial.
▲ 31st Hankyoreh editorial.

The Hankyoreh pointed out that in an editorial titled, “The’Lee Jae-yong Trial’ and’Justice Justice’ Must Be Realized without Controversy over preferential treatment,” the judge pointed out that it is unreasonable to consider the establishment of the Compliance Committee as a condition of sentencing even now.

The Hankyoreh said, “The judiciary must face the reality of many criticisms that it is impossible to consider compliance management as a condition of sentencing even now.” “The chaebol have been a sanctuary for many years. No matter how heavy illegality or corruption, the total number of people was sentenced to ‘3 years in prison and 5 years probation’, resulting in a new term ‘3-5 law’. Samsung also faced a crisis of judicial punishment due to various illegal and irregularities such as suspicion of Samsung slush funds in 2008 and bribery cases of former presidents Chun Doo-hwan and Roh Tae-woo. However, each time he escaped with formal apology and the care of the prosecutors and courts. This kind of care has caused Samsung to face a bigger crisis right now.”

Lastly, the Hankyoreh said, “In his final statement, Vice Chairman Lee Jae-yong pledged that’a year in jail life and an investigation for nearly four years became an opportunity for new reflections’ and’I will create a company that is responsible for compliance with the law’. It is fortunate that Samsung has demonstrated its willingness to manage compliance,” he said. “But if that is another reason for giving, will the public tolerate it? I hope this trial will end the controversy over the’chaebol sanctuary’ and serve as an opportunity to realize equality before the law.”

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