“Atlanta shooter arrested for tracking GPS before further crime in Florida”

Eight people, including four Korean women, were killed in the shooting of a white male
Local investigative authorities prosecute suspects of murder or serious injury

Police prohibition tapes are wrapped around the’Gold Spa’ in Atlanta, Georgia, where the shooting took place on the 16th. Atlanta = Reuters Yonhap News

A suspect in the serial shooting of a massage parlor in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, was found to be caught trying to commit further crimes to Florida. Investigation authorities prosecuted the suspect on the 17th (local time) for murder and slander.

According to the Atlanta Journal Constitution and Yonhap News, a suspected white man, Robert Aaron Long, 21, had contacted the Sheriff’s Office in Cherokee County, Georgia shortly after the shooting. After notifying that the person in the video at the scene of the incident was his son, he reported that Long’s vehicle had a GPS tracker installed.

The investigative agency shared Long’s GPS and arrested Long in the vicinity of Crisp County, 240 km from Atlanta, around 8:30 pm on the 16th, three hours after the first shooting. The investigation revealed that Long planned to commit further crimes in Florida.

The Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office charged Long with four murders and one aggravated assault. The Atlanta investigative authorities are also investigating the motives and circumstances of the crime in the jurisdiction.

Coroners are moving the body of a deceased person at a massage shop at the Gold Spa in Atlanta, Georgia, where a series of shootings took place on the 16th. Atlanta=EPA Yonhap News

Long was shot at the Cherokee County Acworth massage parlor, 50 km northwest of Atlanta, around 5 pm on the 16th, killing four and injuring one. About an hour later, Long visited two massage parlors in northeast Atlanta and fired fire, killing four people. All four people who died here were identified as Korean women.

In the course of the investigation, it was reported that the suspect Long admitted the crime, but insisted that the shooting was not of racial motives. Investigative authorities said that it was possible that Long had fallen into sexual addiction, and said it was too early to determine if it was a hate crime.

However, Long told Facebook, “China is trying to cover up the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19).” It turned out to be posting. The local Korean media, “The Atlanta Hankook Ilbo” also reported that a surviving massage shop employee testified that “a white man committed a crime after saying’I would kill all Asians’.”

Washington= Jeong Won Correspondent

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