At least in two months… Keep’No 5′

There were 346 additional cases of Corona 19. It was the lowest in two months. The authorities said that even if the number of confirmed cases decreases for the time being, measures to prevent more than five people from gathering will continue until the end of this month.

This is reporter Kim Hyung-rae.


Yesterday (21st) among the new confirmed cases, the number of domestic outbreaks was 314, down 66 from the previous day.

Over the past week, it has decreased to an average of 404 per day, but it is more than 20% more than at the end of August when the second epidemic peaked last year.

[윤태호/중앙사고수습본부 방역총괄반장 : 지금 현재의 확진자 수가 2차 유행 때 상당히 큰 규모의 확진자가 있었던 그 시기하고 비슷한 수준입니다. 결코 안심할 수 있는 그런 상황은 아니라고 생각하고 있습니다.]

On the 16th, in Suncheon, Jeollanam-do, a family gathered for a grandmother’s birthday party in her 80s was infected at once.

In violation of the ban on private gatherings with more than 5 people, 18 family members gathered at home, and 12 were confirmed.

The quarantine authorities plan to keep banning private meetings with more than 5 people until the end of this month, even if the number of confirmed cases continues to decrease.

Social distancing is preparing a reorganization plan, but as now, we are refining the quarantine rules based on behaviors such as eating or exercising, not by industry.

Preparations for the corona vaccine are also gradually speeding up.

The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has selected SK Bioscience, which is commissioned to produce AstraZeneca and NovaVax vaccines as an agency in charge of domestic distribution and storage of vaccines.

The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety is concentrating on reviewing the product approval of AstraZeneca vaccine, but has also entered into its own preliminary review process for Pfizer vaccine, which is delaying application for product license.

(Video editing: Kim Jong-mi)

▶ Jung Eun-kyung’s thesis comes out… “First grade school review”
