“At least 80 people died after coup in Myanmar” | Voice of America

More than 10 people are reportedly killed over the weekend as Myanmar military fires again at protesters against the coup.

According to local media and witnesses, a young man was shot and killed on the 14th in Bago City, near Yangon, Myanmar, and another protester died on that day in Pakan, Kajinju.

It is known that at least 13 people were killed in various parts of Myanmar, including a monk and a 13-year-old child, as the Myanmar military police fired at the protesters who held a sit-in demonstration in Mandalay, the second city the day before.

Reuters news agency reported that at least 80 people died by the 13th after the military coup on the 1st of last month, citing local media.

In the midst of this, a separate representative of the “democratic government” established after the military coup in Myanmar expressed its position to overturn the military and promote a “revolution”.

The’Federal Council Representative Committee (CRPH)’, a member of the National League for Democratic Peoples Alliance (NLD) led by National Advisor Aung San Suu Kyi, said on the 13th, “It is the darkest moment in this country, but the dawn is not far away.”

Vice President Man Win Kaing Tan, appointed by the Federal Council’s Representative Committee’ (CRPH), said in a speech broadcasted on’Facebook’. “This revolution is an opportunity for us to unite our forces in order to gain access.

They are reported to be in contact with local representatives to promote recognition of the legitimate’democratic government’ by appointing a separate acting minister after the military coup.

VOA news
