At least 54 deaths in Myanmar… Threats by mobilizing fighters

The situation in Myanmar is getting worse. At least 54 people are known to have died so far due to indiscriminate fires by the military and police, but the United Nations says there will be more actual deaths uncounted. Myanmar’s military is threatening citizens with machine guns and even fighters.

This is Park Soo-jin.


Fellow protesters move a citizen who has been shot in the head and fell down at the scene of a protest.

The soldiers brutally quelled the citizens who were engaged in peaceful demonstrations by shooting live ammunition.

Machine guns were even mobilized against unarmed citizens in some areas,

[크리스틴 버기너/유엔 미얀마 특사 : 경찰이 9밀리미터 기관총을 쏘고 있는 것으로 보입니다. 실탄을 쏘고 있습니다.]

Myanmar’s military even mobilized fighters to threaten the citizens.

In Myanmar, at least 54 people have been killed since the coup on the 1st of last month.

The suspicion that the military and police are aiming at the protesters is growing as people who have been shot in the head continue to die.

More than 29 reporters from home and abroad who were covering the situation of the protests were also arrested, and it is said that more than 1,700 people have been detained so far.

The U.S. government has said it should condemn the brutal violence of the Myanmar military and will consider additional sanctions.

A 19-year-old girl who was shot in the head while demonstrating wearing a T-shirt with the phrase “It’s all going well” emerged as a symbol of civil resistance.

There is growing concern that the death toll could increase as citizens who had funered the victims came out of the streets to protest.
