AstraZeneca’s CEO’s confidence… What is the stock price of SK Chemicals, Gene Matrix, United Pharm, and ABC Probio?


AstraZeneca’s CEO has shown confidence in the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) vaccine, and attention is being drawn to related stocks.

AstraZeneca’s related stocks are sk Chemicals, Gene Matrix, United Pharm, and ABC Probio.

As of the 24th, Gin Matrix rose 3.9% (950 won) to 25,300 won compared to the previous day, ABS Probio finished trading at 1,780 won, up 5.95% (100 won), and sk Chemicals 0.66% (2500 won). The market was closed at 376,500 won, a drop of 3.86% (2500 won), and 62,300 won.

As CEO AstraZeneca Pascal Sorio showed confidence in the vaccine on the 27th (local time), expectations for the related stocks are growing.

CEO Sorio said, “I think we have found a formula for success that can benefit from two doses of vaccine,” through The Times’ Sunday Times. This is because the results of the interim analysis of the vaccine’s phase 3 clinical trial showed different immune effects depending on the dose.

Previously, AstraZeneca said that when the vaccine was administered twice, the prevention rate was 62.1%, which was lower than that of other vaccines, but when half the dose was accidentally administered, the prevention rate rose to 90%. As a result, confidence in the AstraZeneca vaccine fell and the stock price fell 3.8%.

CEO Sorio said, “I was amazed. I knew people could be a little disappointed,” he said. “Of course, I wish the results were simpler, but they were generally positive because they met standards set by regulators around the world. I didn’t expect a storm to come,” he explained.

AstraZeneca is currently working with Oxford University to work on a new version of the vaccine. This is because a variant of the corona 19 virus is currently spreading in some countries, including the UK.

Meanwhile, AstraZeneca vaccine is expected to be distributed from the 4th of next month in the UK, where a variant virus has appeared. Following this, foreign media reports that the Indian government will also approve the emergency use of the AstraZeneca vaccine.

The Korean government said that the first AstraZeneca vaccine, which it signed a contract, will be available in February-March next year. However, he added that Modena and Pfizer vaccines would be difficult to receive within the first quarter of next year.

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