“Asthma treatment helps patients recover and relieves symptoms”

Input 2021.02.10 08:48

Oxford University, study on the effect of budesonide for asthma treatment
“90% risk of hospitalization if inhaled within 7 days of symptom onset ↓”
“Fast fever and fewer persistent symptoms”

On the 6th of last month (local time), medical staff at the St. Mary Medical Center in Providence in Apple Valley, California, USA, are laying a corona 19 patient straight. /AP Yonhap News

Reuters reported on the 9th (local time) that a drug that treats asthma, a respiratory disease, accelerates recovery and relieves symptoms in patients with Corona 19.

According to the results of a 28-day interim study published today by researchers at Oxford University in the UK on 146 COVID-19 patients, patients who inhaled budesonide within 7 days of onset of COVID-19 symptoms are at risk of receiving emergency treatment or hospitalization. % Decreased.

In particular, patients who took budesonide showed faster fever and fewer persistent symptoms than those who did not.

Budesonide is a drug for an inflammatory synthetic corticosteroid (corticosteroid), and is used as a treatment for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) as well as asthma. In this study, budesonide, which is sold under the brand’Pulmecode’ by global pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca, was used.

The researchers said that the trial was conducted based on the fact that the proportion of chronic respiratory diseases among patients hospitalized in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic was significantly lower. However, the research results have not yet been published in the journal.

Mona Baffadel, who participated in this study, said, “We are hopeful that a drug that is relatively safe, readily available, and has already been studied can be effective in squeezing the Corona 19 virus,” said Mona Baffadel, an associate professor of respiratory medicine at the University of Oxford at Nerfield Medical School. said.
