Asian woman walking in California, stabbed and killed

Homeless suspect released after imprisonment for assault
Police “I can’t find a basis for judging hate crimes”
NYT “anti-Asia increases despite hate crime decline”

Citizens wearing masks are marching at Times Square in New York, USA, where a protest condemning hate crimes against Asians was held on the 4th, holding hand signs with the phrase’Racism is a virus’. New York = Reuters Yonhap News

An Asian woman was stabbed and killed while walking in California, USA. The police determined that it was not a hate crime in the context, but recently, hatred targeting Asians in the United States has been constantly expressed as violence.

According to CNN broadcasting on the 4th (local time), a 64-year-old Asian woman, Ke Chie Meng, died from being struck by a weapon while walking with two dogs in Riverside, California, at around 7 a.m. the previous day. Upon receiving a phone call from a resident reporting that a woman who appears to be homeless roaming the neighborhood and showing suspicious appearance, the police arrested Stephanie Montoya, 23, who had been searching for the crime scene on charges of murder and other charges.

However, the police did not classify this case as a racial crime. A spokesman for the Riverside Police said, “We have not found any reason to say that the victim was attacked on the grounds of racism.” “A homeless suspect from Los Angeles (LA) County has mental health and substance abuse problems that could have attacked anyone else.” Earlier, Montoya was arrested and released on charges of attacking a woman with skateboards near a shopping mall on the 30th of last month.

On the wall of a subway station in New York, USA,’Let’s kill all the Chinese. There is a graffiti on the content of’Corona 19′. New York City Police (NYPD) Twitter

Nevertheless, this incident once again reminded the Asian hate crime problem that is rapidly increasing in the United States. The Daily New York Times, which focused on the reality of Asian hatred in the US, which has worsened after the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19), said, “There are more than 110 cases of hate crimes by Asians whose evidence has been reported since March last year.” In particular, he pointed out that while total hate crimes are on the decline, cases aimed at Asians are on the rise. Anti-Asian hate crimes in 16 major U.S. cities increased 149% from the previous year.

Most recently, on the 30th of last month, a Korean-owned convenience store in Charlotte, North Carolina, was attacked by a black man. It was a typical hate crime in which the suspect shouted, “The Chinese should return to your country,” and destroyed the property of a store. In addition, on the 29th of last month in Manhattan, New York, a black man kicked and trampled a 65-year-old Filipino woman passing by, saying, “You don’t deserve to be here.” It is also common to write hate phrases on stores or roads. Recently, on the wall of a subway station in New York,’Let’s kill all the Chinese. A graffiti called’Corona 19′ was found. The newspaper diagnosed that “only the most naked and absurd incidents are reported, which are only a part of the violence experienced by Asians.”

Azalea reporter

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