Asian hatred for the US, was also an Olympic champion

Asian hatred for the US, was also an Olympic champion

Reporter Yoon Yeo-jin [email protected]

Input: 2021-04-04 18:16:33Revision: 2021-04-04 18:38:01Posted: 2021-04-04 18:19:16 (p. 12)


Chloe Kim Facebook Capture

Chloe Kim Facebook Capture

As’anti-Asian hate crimes’ occur across the United States, Korean-Americans are being exposed to hate crimes one after another.

According to US media on the 3rd (local time), at 3pm on the 30th of last month, a black young man came into a convenience store in Charlotte, North Carolina, run by the chairman of the Korean Association of Carolina, Riot’. The young man, who had knocked a shelf of cookies down on the floor, swung a metal stick and crushed various items such as refrigerators, freezers, and tables at random. While wielding a metal stick, he swears at the Mrs. and Mrs. Seong, “XX Chinese, go back to your country.” The identity of the riot criminal arrested by the police at the scene was confirmed as Harvier Rash Woody-Silas, 24. Police in Charlotte Mecklenburg arrested Woody-Sillas on charges of robbery, intimidation, and obstruction of official duties using dangerous weapons, and are also considering applying the hate crime provisions.

PyeongChang Gold Medal Korean-American Chloe Kim

“When you go out, you have to bring a weapon for self-defense.”

Convenience store riots, street violence, etc.

Hate crimes follow across the United States

It’s not just this. It was later known that a Korean-American couple in their fifties had been gang assaulted by teenagers. CNN broadcast reported on the 3rd that the Washington State Tacoma Police arrested a 15-year-old boy for assaulting an Asian couple and charged with second-degree assault.

According to CNN, on November 19 last year in Tacoma in Tacoma, this boy in a red jacket and black pants ran towards an Asian couple on the road and punched him to break the ribs of a man (56) and bruise his face. . Victims reported to the police immediately after the incident, but it was not handled properly. After a video of the incident at the time was recently posted on social media, the victim’s relative informed the Tacoma police that the person in the video was his relative, and the suspect was arrested in four months. After confirming the suspect’s identity through a video, the police arrested him in court after finding out that he was appearing in court on charges of a separate robbery on the 2nd.

Such anti-Asian hate crimes were inevitable even by Olympic gold medalists. Chloe Kim, 21, a Korean-American Olympic gold medalist and snowboard champion, revealed that she suffers from such hate crimes every day. In an interview with sports media ESPN on the 2nd, he said that he has been suffering from discrimination since he won the first halfpipe medal at the 2014 Aspen X Game Competition. He revealed that he was receiving hundreds of hate messages every month through social media, and revealed that the recently received message contained racist expressions of’stupid Asians’ and even swear words. Living with his parents in Los Angeles, he also confessed that when he leaves home, he is a must-have weapon for self-defense. He said, “I was able to reveal the damages of hate crimes because I thought that I should not be silent anymore,” he said.

Reporter Yoon Yeo-jin [email protected]·Some Yonhap News
