As soon as the airlift door was opened…與, the second round of the prosecution’s power reduction and the judge’s impeachment

In addition, members of the Democratic Party and the Justice Party are holding a press conference at the National Assembly on the 22nd calling for the impeachment of a judge involved in the judicial Nongdan.  From left, Ryu Ho-jeong, a member of the Justice Party, Yong Hye-in, a member of the Basic Income Party, Kang Min-jung, a member of the Open Democratic Party, and Lee Tan-hee, a member of the Democratic Party.  [김호영 기자]

picture explanationIn addition, members of the Democratic Party and the Justice Party are holding a press conference at the National Assembly on the 22nd calling for the impeachment of a judge involved in the judicial Nongdan. From left, Ryu Ho-jeong, a member of the Justice Party, Yong Hye-in, a member of the Basic Income Party, Kang Min-jung, a member of the Open Democratic Party, and Lee Tan-hee, a member of the Democratic Party. [김호영 기자]

With the launch of the ruling party’s high-ranking officials criminal investigation office, the level of offensive against the prosecution and courts was raised in earnest. In particular, the prosecutors referred to the case of the’aircraft 1 case’ and pressured the need to eradicate wrong investigation practices. On the other hand, the power of the people strongly criticized the airlift, saying, “I try to choose a deputy chief that suits the taste of the president.”

On the 22nd, Lee Nak-yeon, the head of the Democratic Party, said at the Supreme Council, “With the launch of an airlift, we have taken a step closer to the people’s desire to decentralize the power of the prosecution and reform the power institutions.” Spokesman Heo Young also pressured the prosecution, saying, “I hope the prosecution will cut off wrong practices such as wrapping my family and be reborn so that I can be trusted.”

Criticism of Lime Optimus and the alleged investigation of alcoholic beverages followed. Spokesman Huh pointed out that “four former and current prosecutors who were treated with alcoholic beverages dismantled and replaced cell phones, but they concluded that they could not find evidence of concealment.” Rep. Kim Nam-guk said, “Even though it was a serious incident, it was covered with unprosecution in the early stages. Last year, we raised the issue at the state administration, but we are not investigating the part of external pressure and courtesy.”

Rep. Jeon Jae-soo predicted that the airborne ministry would decide on the first case in terms of reforming the prosecution. In a radio interview, former lawmaker said, “As a symbol of prosecution reform and as an organization responsible for the reform, the first case is expected to be a prosecution-related case.” A representative example was the Ulsan whale meat incident. This is a case in which the prosecution was suspicious of being in close contact with the former lawyers and district maintenance.

There are also voices from the ruling party that it is necessary to establish a new investigation office following the airlift. A member of the Democratic Party’s Prosecutors’ Reform Special Committee said, “We also discussed ways to hand over the prosecution’s right to investigate the six major crimes to a separate investigating agency (Severe Crime Investigation Office and Special Investigation Office).” However, he opened the possibility of further discussion, saying, “The conclusion has not been specifically decided yet.” It is said that there are many skeptical opinions about the establishment of an investigation agency within the party.

The power of the people criticized the personnel of the airlift and fired up. The problem was that Kim Jin-wook, the Minister of Public Transport, stated that’the deputy chief can ask for revenge.’ Ho-young Joo, head of the People’s Power, pointed out, “It is a common view of scholars that the proposal should be made by one person,” and “it does not fit the interpretation of the law.” Furthermore, he raised his voice, saying, “(The multiple proposal) is an expedient way to choose a conductor that suits the taste of the president.”

“For multiple recommendations, it is common to mark’candidates’ in the airlift law or specify the exact number of personnel,” said a member of the Uulsa-born People’s Strength. “The deputy chief is seated as the president, and the deputy head in charge of the practice is what the president wants. He pointed out that the trick is to choose a person.” It was pointed out that there is no clear provision for the proposal of multiple deputy conductors in the Airborne Law. Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office Lee Seong-yoon was designated as the subject of the No. 1 investigation. The main house representative criticized the prosecutor’s office as “the level of prosecution Nongdan’s level of abuse of the prosecutor’s office” by enumerating suspicions of involvement in the election of the mayor of Ulsan and the prosecution and media adhesion. He said, “Every government investigation, the District Prosecutor’s Office is playing the role of an escort warrior and bulletproof prosecutor, and when the airlift is launched, we have to look into this issue first.”

In the face of impeachment of judges, a common front for criminal rights is expected to be established. On this day, 107 members of the Democratic Party, the Justice Party, the Open Democratic Party, and the Basic Income Party proposed impeachment of chief judges Lim Seong-geun and Lee Dong-geun, who were involved in the Judicial Nongdan. The intention is to hurry to impeach them before they retire. Democratic Party lawmaker Lee Tan-hee held a press conference with lawmakers Ryu Ho-jeong (Jeong Eui-dang), Kang Min-jeong (Open Democratic Party), and Yong Hye-in (Basic Income Party), saying, “Deputy Judge Im Seong-geun and Lee Dong-geun were recognized as anti-constitutional actors through the first trial ruling. He said, “The National Judges’ Delegation also voted on the subject of impeachment, thus acknowledging the need to prosecute the impeachment of the National Assembly.”

They urged an immediate impeachment, saying, “While the National Assembly did not implement the impeachment proceedings, he submitted a letter of resignation, and next month, he will be able to enjoy full courtesy.” Each party must make an internal decision and issue a prosecution for impeachment. To this end, Congressman Lee requested a convocation of the Democratic Party Assembly. “There are 96 Democratic Party members who participated in the proposal,” Lee said. “I look forward to a convocation of the Congress soon.”

[성승훈 기자 / 박제완 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
