As if to keep banning 5 people, opinions diverge at 9 pm… 30 days away announcement

On the 28th, in the waiting room of Seoul Station, citizens are watching news related to the government's February new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) vaccine free vaccination project.  News 1

On the 28th, in the waiting room of Seoul Station, citizens are watching news related to the government’s February new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) vaccine free vaccination project. News 1

The announcement of the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) distance adjustment plan, originally scheduled by the government on the 29th, was delayed until the weekend. This is because the recent occurrence of confirmed cases is unusual. In addition to IM Mission, group infections in academies and workplaces are also erupting. The Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters announced that it would announce a proposal to adjust the distance as early as 30th after analyzing the trend of confirmed cases. However, it is highly likely that the ban on’private gatherings for more than 5 people’, one of the current core quarantine rules, will be maintained for the time being. About the ban on normal business after ‘9:00 PM’, opinions within the script are mixed.

Announcement on the 30th as early as the distancing adjustment plan

Sohn Young-rae, head of the social strategy team at the Central Accident Recovery Headquarters, at a press conference on the 28th, said, “I am watching the situation with considerable tension because the number of new confirmed cases is increasing this week. . It is being analyzed closely. It is difficult to announce the proposed adjustment of distance on the 29th, which was originally aimed at.” The cumulative number of confirmed cases related to IM Mission reached 318.

According to the Central Defense Response Headquarters, 497 new cases were reported as of 0 o’clock on the 28th. During the last week (22 days to 28 days), the number of new patients was 2821, with an average of 403 patients per day. In contrast, the number of new patients announced on the 28th is above the average. The critical script is grasping the aftermath of the outbreak of group infection in life at the start of the IM Mission. Simply looking at the new patients in the last week, they meet the 2.5-step distancing criteria (400-500 or more). Currently, there are 2.5 steps (metropolitan area) and 2 steps (non-metropolitan area) measures in place across the country, but it seems difficult to cut the distance at the moment.

Sohn Young-rae, head of the Social Strategy Division, Central Accident Control Headquarters.  yunhap news

Sohn Young-rae, head of the Social Strategy Division, Central Accident Control Headquarters. yunhap news

Opinions disagree over ‘9 PM’

The most interesting of public opinion is whether the normal business operation after 9 pm and the cancellation of private meetings with more than 5 people. Various opinions were presented by each ministry and local government in the script. First of all, over the ‘9 pm’ measures, an opinion came out that “there should be an hour extension to 10 pm.” It was also reported that some ministries argued that it would be fair to release business with time limits and number of people per area even for entertainment facilities that have not been open for several months. Of course, there were opinions that the 9pm measure should be maintained as it is evaluated as reducing the contact opportunity. A government official said, “There was an opinion that the quarantine should be maintained in terms of consistency.”

Personnel reinforcing temporary screening tests in strong winds.  yunhap news

Personnel reinforcing temporary screening tests in strong winds. yunhap news

‘Prohibition of 5-person gathering’ may be maintained even during the Lunar New Year holidays

The public opinion was that the ban on private meetings for five people should be maintained until at least the Lunar New Year holiday in the script. An opinion came out saying,’Isn’t it necessary to release on the day of the Lunar New Year’, but it was a skeptical response as it could conflict with the message for special quarantine measures for the Lunar New Year holidays, saying,’Do not gather.’ The atmosphere within the government’s Livelihood Prevention Committee held the day before was similar. “It is very dangerous if so many people gather during the Lunar New Year holiday period,” said a member of the Livelihood Protection Commission. There were many opinions that it was necessary to maintain the current status (‘9 p.m.’, ban on’private gatherings with more than 5 people’).”

Above all, it is an opinion that the scale of patient outbreaks should be reduced as much as possible as soon as the corona 19 vaccine is vaccinated. Distance is also intertwined. In the meantime, such opinions have arrived in the course of the script discussion. Another member of the Livelihood Protection Committee said, “If vaccination begins next month, the overall distancing atmosphere may loosen.” After vaccination, there should be a considerable amount of time before the formation of collective immunity. Said.

Reporters Minwook Kim and Sooyeon Hwang [email protected]
