The average sale price of large apartments in Seoul exceeded 2.2 billion won. Apgujeong Hyundai Apartment, which is in the process of reconstruction, is reporting a record of selling more than 100 million won per 3.3 square meter.
According to the monthly housing trend of KB Kookmin Bank on the 6th, the average sale price of large-sized apartments in Seoul (exclusive area exceeding 135㎡·41 pyeong) recorded 2,211.06 million won. This is the highest amount since January 2016 when related statistics were written.
The sale price of large apartments in Seoul rose by 258.92 million won from 1,952.14 million won in March last year. Compared to the 14,5677 million won in March 2017, just before the launch of the Moon Jae-in administration, it increased by 51.8% (7,542.9 million won).
The gap in the price of large apartments between the Gangnam region (11 districts south of the Han River) and the Gangbuk region (14 districts north of the Han River) widened further.
Last month, the sale price of large apartments in Gangnam and Gangbuk was 2.38689 million won and 1.655.65 million won, respectively. The difference between regions is 73.124 million won. The gap of about 80 million won widened more than in March last year (6,51.97 million won).
The sale price of Seoul’s medium-sized apartments (exclusively exceeding 102㎡ ~ 135㎡) was 1,453.21 million won. Medium-sized (over 85㎡ ~ less than 102㎡) and small and medium (over 60㎡ ~ less than 85㎡) costs 1,230.46 million won and 976.29 million won, respectively. Small size (less than 60㎡) recorded 767.89 million won.
The rise in the sale price of large apartments in the Gangnam area is attributed to the intensification of anticipation for reconstruction and the intensification of the preference for’a smart one’.
In particular, in the reconstruction complex in Apgujeong-dong, Gangnam-gu, reported prices of about 100 million won per 3.3 square meters have increased.
The 245㎡ dedicated to Hyundai 7th was sold at the reported price of 8 billion won on the 5th. Existing reports rose 1.3 billion won compared to 6.7 billion won (October last year). 8 billion won is the highest amount of apartments sold in the country this year, along with 243m2 for Hannam The Hill.
On the 5th, the 160㎡ exclusive for Hyundai Motors was changed at 5.43 billion won and the reported price was set. Reports in December of last year jumped 1.18 billion won from 4.25 billion won.
Apgujeong-dong, the 84㎡ dedicated to Hyundai 14 cars, was also sold for 3 billion won on the 29th of last month, and the reported price was rewritten. The previous reported price was 2.9 billion won in August last year.
The Apgujeong Redevelopment Complex is accelerating the recent establishment of a union in order to avoid the obligation to live for two years as a union member announced in the June 17th measure last year. This is because the transfer of membership status is restricted except for one-homed owners who have owned or lived for more than 10 years or have lived there for more than 5 years after approval for the establishment of the association.
Major candidates for the Seoul Mayor’s by-election are also emphasizing the ease of reconstruction regulations, which is also a factor that raises prices. The industry predicts that the Apgujeong District 2 and District 3 reconstruction association will be approved sooner or later.
A nearby realtor said, “There is not so much for sale, so now it is’the price to be called’.”
[정석환 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]