Arsenal’s first edition of’Boxing Day’ washed away the sluggish draw in 7 games

EPL Chelsea wins 3v1… A rebound

Everton climbed to second place

Leicester Body, Own Goal Decision Regret

Arsenal’s Alexandre Lacazette is celebrating after scoring the opening goal with a penalty kick. /EPA Yonhap News

England’s professional football Arsenal escaped from a 7-game draw slump after catching rival Chelsea.

Arsenal won Chelsea 3-1 in the home game of the 15th round of the English Premier League (EPL) in the 2020-2021 season held at the Emirates Stadium in London on the 27th (Korean time). After winning the away game against Manchester United on the 2nd of last month, Arsenal, who has scored 2 draws and 5 losses in the regular league, won the game after 8 games.

Arsenal, who had been pushed back to 15th place, climbed one step to 14th (5 wins, 2 draws, 8 losses, 17 points). With a difference of 4 points from 10th place West Ham (21 points) and 8 points from 6th place Aston Villa (25 points), it has laid the groundwork for a leap to the upper middle. Arsenal, who won the first game of’Boxing Day’ at the end of the year, meets relatively easy teams such as Brighton and West Brom. Arsenal coach Mikel Arteta said, “We have achieved a really big victory after frustration.” On the other hand, Chelsea, who could jump to 2nd place if they won that day, fell two steps to 7th place (25 points) as they were forced to lose their 3rd consecutive away. Chelsea coach Frank Lampard said, “I’m mad at the game by myself, scoring two goals in the first half. Players have to take responsibility.”

Everton, who was in 4th place, won 1-0 in the Sheffield expedition, winning 4 consecutive wins and rising to 2nd place (29 points). Everton caught up with the lead Liverpool (31 points), who did not play the day, with a two point difference. Leicester City’s confrontation with Manchester United ended in a 2v2 draw. Leicester and Manchester United, who only won one point at a time, were pushed back to Everton and placed third (28 points) and fourth (27 points), respectively. Leicester goalkeeper Jamie Bardy shook the goal in the 40th minute in the second half, but was judged as an own goal and swallowed up regret. Bodie connected the ground-ball cross handed over by Ayose Perez from the right with a non-stop right-footed shot from the doorstep, and the ball hit the opponent’s defender Axel Tianzeb’s foot and headed into the goal and was not awarded a goal. With 11 goals in the season, Bodie remained tied for second in the scoring rankings with Son Heung-min (Tottenham) and Dominic Calvert Ruin (Everton).
/ Reporter Park Min-young [email protected]

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