Arrested 30 days after returning to Navalni… Criticism of “Best Lawlessness”

Alexei Navalni, a Russian opposition leader who was being treated in Berlin, Germany after being attacked by poison, returns to Korea on the 17th and stands at the immigration desk at Sheremetyevo Airport in Moscow. Navalni got on the plane to his home country about five months after being treated in Germany, but was arrested by Russian police immediately after arriving at the airport. Moscow = AFP Yonhap News

Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalni, who is considered the “static” of Russian President Vladimir Putin, was arrested as soon as he stepped on his homeland and was arrested again on the 30th day.

According to foreign media such as the Daily Financial Times of the UK, on ​​the 18th (local time), the Russian correctional authorities requested an arrest warrant saying that Navalni should be held in custody until the trial scheduled for the 29th was held. Ruled to arrest the liver. The hearing on Navalni was held in the form of an emergency trial at the police station where he was detained. Navalni criticized the court ruling as “the highest level of lawlessness,” and that “the criminal law was shredded and thrown in the trash.”

Navalni was charged with illegal acquisition of 31 million rubles (about 590 million won) from the Russian branch of a French cosmetics company in 2014, and was sentenced to three years and six months in prison and five years probation. Navali has refused to enforce it, claiming it was a political prosecution. Accordingly, the correctional authorities filed a lawsuit to cancel the probation in the court, claiming that Navalni violated his probation obligation, and a trial will be held on the 29th.

Navalni supporters are scheduled to hold protests across Russia on the 23rd. In a video filmed immediately after Navalni was sentenced to prison, “Don’t be afraid, go out to the streets. Not for me, but for yourself and your future.”

Navalni was treated to poison terrorism in Berlin, Germany, and arrived at Sheremeevo International Airport outside Moscow the evening before. The police arrested him at the immigration and arrested him. Navalni fell into a coma after poisoning in a Russian domestic flight in August last year. Suspicion of the involvement of the Russian Federal Security Agency (FSB) in terror has been steadily raised, but Russia strongly denies it.

The international community condemned the Russian government at once. Jake Sullivan, who was appointed as the first national security adviser to the next US administration, Joe Biden, called for immediate release, saying, “The Navalni attack is not just a violation of human rights, but an insult to the Russian people who want to hear his voice.” “The arrest of Navalni is unacceptable,” said Charles Michel, the executive chairman of the European Union Summit, and David Sasolly, the chairman of the European Parliament, demanded the release of Navalni and said, “Preparing to invite Navalni to the European Parliament.” It is done.” Furthermore, Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Lancebergis urged that if he was not released, he would join forces with Latvia and Estonia to force the’Baltic Tribes’ to request Russian sanctions from the EU.

Kim Pyo-hyang reporter

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