‘Argentina Friendship’ Di Maria comforts with a hug of lost Messi

Photo = Gibme Sports
Photo = Gibme Sports

[인터풋볼] Reporter Park Jiwon=The Argentine players showed off their strong friendship.. Paris Saint-Germain’s Angel Di Maria comforted the opposing Barcelona Lionel Messi.

Paris Saint-Germain(PSG)Is 11Day am 5city(Korean time) Held at the Parc des Princes in Paris, France 2020-21Season European Football Federation(UEFA) Champions League(UCL) 16River 2With Barcelona in the game 1-1Drew with. Hereby PSGIs the total score 5-2in 8Succeeded in advancing to the river.

Barcelona from the beginning of the game PSGPressed. Overall 18Boon Dembele attempts a sharp left-footed shot from inside the penalty box, but Navas goalkeeper saves it.. Overall 23In Boone, Dest’s powerful shot fell into the hands of Navas goalkeeper and hit the crossbar.. Following OneMinutes later, Dembele’s grounder cross couldn’t get caught on Messi’s toe..

PSGScored the opening goal. Overall 30Bun Langle stepped on Icardi’s heel in the defensive process and read the video.(VAR) A penalty kick was declared as a result.. Mbappe finished as a kicker.. Barcelona made a replacement.. Overall 35Boon Mingue was removed and Pirpo was put in..

Barcelona balanced. Overall 37Bun Messi hits the net with a powerful left-footed shot in front of the penalty box.. Barcelona missed a golden opportunity. First half extra time 3Boone got a penalty, but Messi’s kick hit the Navas goalkeeper’s body and hit the crossbar..

At the beginning of the second half PSGTook a change. Diallo was introduced on behalf of Kurzawa.. PSGHad once again used a replacement card. Draxler, Di Maria except Gaye, I made Danilo appear.. Barcelona also made aggressive changes.. The second half 21Trincan was used on behalf of Boone Dest..

PSGHas proceeded with the replacement. The second half 31Excluding Boone Florenji, he played Dagba.. Barcelona hit the game. The second half 34Boone Dembele, Pedrey, Braceweight on behalf of Busquets, Pianist, I put in Moriba. PSGIs the second half 38I took out Boon Verati and put in a Hafina.. In the end, the game of both teams ended in a draw without any further goals..

After the match, a scene made the fans’ hearts frown.. Winner Di Maria approached Messi and hugged. Afterwards, she grabbed Messi’s face and spoke consolation.. After one more hug, Di Maria kissed Messi’s head and patted her back.. Messi also smiled brightly and comforted him..

Fans It’s a beautiful scene”, “It’s a strong friendship”, “I guess this isn’t football?”, “Di Maria’s actions must have comforted Messi.I kept my thumb and raised it..
