“Are you going to be president?” Lee Nak-yeon’s answer to children’s half-word questions without sweat

Lee Nak-yeon, head of the Democratic Party, answered questions from children of the average age of 10.

Below MBC’Who is Who Who Interview’

In MBC’s’Who’s Who Interview’, which aired for the first time on the 5th, CEO Nak-yeon Lee appeared as a guest. Since the guest is an interview with the concept of children’s’new friend’, we conducted it in a short language.

The children who first saw Lee Nak-yeon asked various questions as if they were actually asking their friends. We asked what politics was, what he was doing, what he was most pleased with and saddled. Representative Lee calmly explained politics and told the story of the time when he served as prime minister and spokesman.

Then one of the children asked, “Would you like to be president later?”

Representative Lee asked again, “I?” and replied, “It’s not what you want, it’s what the people do if they tell you to do it, and if you tell them not to do it, you can’t.”

On this day, he talked about the joyful and sad times of his 69 years. He was happy when his son was born, and he confessed that he was sad when he had to go home every two weeks when he was studying abroad in Seoul and separated from his parents.

When asked if he ever wanted to quit a member of the National Assembly, he replied, “There was.” When asked if he would become a member of the National Assembly even if he was born next life, he said, “Oh, I want you to do something else.”

MBC’s’Who’s Who’s Interview’ revealed that no matter who you meet, from the CEO of a large company, to a legislator, to a sports star, to a top celebrity, you are just an uncle and an aunt in front of children. It was created with the intent of bringing out their innermost feelings, mainly by unexpected questions that can come from the pure gaze of children.
