Are you getting angry, not worrying about corona? Then you have to suspect’this disease’ right now

One year has passed since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19). Suddenly many restrictions have been placed on our normal daily life, which may have turned on a red light for our health as well. During the Lunar New Year holidays, where visiting hometowns and meetings with friends are difficult, let’s take a close look at the health of my family and myself, which I was missing. It’s okay if you don’t have medical knowledge. The JoongAng Ilbo has compiled five checklists for each family’s health abnormalities, don’t just pass it over, with the help of the names of each field at Asan Hospital in Seoul. The second is Corona Blue. With the help of Jeong Seok-hoon, a professor at the Department of Mental Health at Asan Hospital, Seoul, we learned how to protect nose health.


Taking care of family health with Seoul Asan Hospital②

More people feel depression and anxiety due to the disconnection of social relations, decrease in external activities, and worsening economic conditions due to the prolonged Corona 19. According to the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service, the number of patients who received hospital treatment for depression in 2019 alone was 798,495, compared to 590,0543 in the first half of last year when Corona 19 first occurred. The effect of Corona 19 on mental health is shown as statistics. Psychological quarantine is just as important as physical quarantine when infectious diseases are prevalent. This is because mental health is closely related to immunity.

If you have limitations in your daily life, such as depression, anxiety, or insomnia, consult a specialist

Corona blue [아산병원 제공]

Corona blue [아산병원 제공]

When you suffer from depression, symptoms such as persistent depression and anxiety, insomnia, loss of appetite, loss of libido, lethargy, and fatigue appear. People who have an obsessive or pessimistic personality and are susceptible to stress are more prone to depression. If depression persists and your daily life is restricted, you should consult a specialist and begin appropriate treatment. If you are burdened with a hospital visit when the corona19 spreads, it is good to contact your usual medical institution or a nearby hospital to see if phone consultation and prescription are available.

Get 6-8 hours of sleep and improve sleep quality

Inadequate sleep causes hormonal imbalance and fatigue, which reduces immunity. It has no choice but to adversely affect mental health. It is important to secure enough sleep time for 6 to 8 hours to improve immunity and relieve depression during infectious diseases. People with strong sleep centers can sleep even when taking a short break and can sleep even in noisy or cold environments. However, even if you have a good sleep center, you can have trouble sleeping if you are in a stressful situation. It’s important to have good sleep habits to maintain a high-quality sleep.

Good sleep habits to improve sleep quality

-Reduce caffeine to one or two drinks a day and drink only in the morning if possible.
-Exercise enough to sweat lightly for 30-40 minutes every day.
-Avoid irregular naps (especially naps after 3pm).
-Avoid foods high in fat or protein before going to bed.
-Drinking is helpful in inducing sleep, but avoiding it by making you wake up often.
-Take a warm shower for about 20 minutes before going to bed.
-When I fall asleep, I go to bed. If you can’t sleep, try reading or doing something simple outside of bed.

Asking distant parents how to say hello often over the phone

Jeong Seok-hoon, a professor of mental health medicine at Asan Hospital in Seoul, is treating a patient suffering from depression. [아산병원 제공]

Jeong Seok-hoon, a professor of mental health medicine at Asan Hospital in Seoul, is treating a patient suffering from depression. [아산병원 제공]

Older people have limited mobility, so they do not go out much. Moreover, since last year, when the Corona 19 epidemic began, a significant number of elderly people are staying at home because of fear of infection. Depression, anxiety, and stress are bound to build up. Elderly people who live alone or as couples apart from their children can feel depressed. In the first half of last year, about 600,000 people received hospital treatment for depression, of which, among them, 10,681 (17.1%) were in their 60s, and 90,000 were also in their 70s (Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service). In addition, it is now going through the winter with less sunlight, so there is a high possibility of experiencing seasonal depression.

From a child’s point of view, I am worried about my parents, but it is difficult to go to see my parents quickly. It’s difficult to see them in person, but you can reinforce the bond through a phone call or video connection. Make sure to contact us whenever you have a spare time to check if there are any places you are uncomfortable with, and if there is no shortage of daily necessities. Listen to your parents and keep track of your mood. It’s good to have a flirty conversation. During the conversation, also add words such as’Please do it’ and’Thank you’. Even if the body is far away, it can make you feel that you are always strong with a strong family. Listening only is also a great help to an elderly person who is feeling depressed. The role of your family member is the most important in preventing and alleviating depression.

Distinguish between worry and anger

Seok-Hoon Jeong Professor, Department of Mental Health Medicine, Asan Hospital, Seoul [아산병원 제공]

Seok-Hoon Jeong Professor, Department of Mental Health Medicine, Asan Hospital, Seoul [아산병원 제공]

There are not a few people who express enormous anger over the sudden spread of new generations during the corona 19 period. School openings were halted one after another, and household income decreased due to economic contraction. In this situation, I start to get angry at the behavior that appears as irresponsible deviation. Feelings of anger only make you difficult. You shouldn’t confine yourself by being overwhelmed by negative emotions. Infectious diseases cannot be solved by doing well alone. Based on a sense of solidarity, we should be careful and considerate little by little with each other. Rather than expressing anger toward others, let’s focus more on observing the daily routine, work, and personal quarantine rules given to you. The shadow of the heart cast by an infectious disease can grow or shrink depending on the direction of the mind.

Reporter Woorim Lee [email protected]
