Arab world’s first Mars probe’Amal’ counts down to enter Mars orbit

Attempt to enter orbit for 27 minutes from 0:30 on the 10th Korean time

Moha bin Rashid Space Center official watching the launch of the image probe Amal in July last year
Moha bin Rashid Space Center official watching the launch of the image probe Amal in July last year

[AFP=연합뉴스 자료사진]

(Cairo = Yonhap News) Correspondent Kim Sang-hoon = Local media and foreign media said on the 9th (hereinafter local time) that the Arab world’s first Mars probe,’Amal’ (hope), launched by the UAE, a small country in the Middle East, is about to enter Mars orbit Reported.

On July 20 last year, Amal, loaded on Mitsubishi Heavy Industries’ launch vehicle’H2A’ and launched from the Tanegashima Space Center in Japan, flew in space at a speed of 121,000 km/h for over 6 months.

Amal attempts to enter the orbit of Mars by operating six deceleration engines starting at 7:30 pm local time (0:30 on the 10th Korean time) and lowering the speed to 18,000 km/h.

When the attempt to enter orbit, which will continue for about 27 minutes, is successfully completed, Amal orbits Mars once every 55 hours for a year (687 days) at Mars time, performing tasks such as measuring the atmosphere in the upper and lower layers and observing and photographing the surface of Mars.

UAE Mars probe Amal illustration
UAE Mars probe Amal illustration

[AP=연합뉴스 자료사진]

UAE Mars exploration project overview
UAE Mars exploration project overview

[AFP=연합뉴스 자료사진]

When the news of Amal’s settlement arrives, a celebration will be held at Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest building in Dubai.

“Now we have entered a critical step in determining the success or failure of our approach to Mars,” said Omran Sharaf, director of the Amal Project, on the BBC.

He continued, “If it is too slow, it can hit Mars, and if it is too fast, it can pass Mars orbit.”

Sarah Al-Amiri, UAE Minister of Advanced Science and Deputy Director of the Mars Probe Project, recently wrote on Twitter that “27 minutes (which do not communicate with the probe) determine the success or failure of the business that has been running for 7 years.”

Amal is the first Mars probe launched in the Arab world and the seventh worldwide after the United States, the European Union, Russia, China, India, and Japan.

Burj Khalifa, Dubai, where a celebration event will be held when the Mars probe Amal successfully enters Mars orbit
Burj Khalifa, Dubai, where a celebration event will be held when the Mars probe Amal successfully enters Mars orbit


Considering that the country that sent Mars probes has been a country with advanced satellite and launch vehicle technology, the UAE’s Mars exploration project, a small Middle East country, is significant in that it has challenged the space development field that has been monopolized by the powers.

Although the UAE is an oil-rich country rich in oil, it has been preparing for the post-fossil fuel era and is pursuing a long-term space development policy.

The’Moha bin Rashid Space Center’ (MBRSC), which has been in charge of the UAE’s space development project, also proposed the’Mars 2117 Project’ to build a human settlement on Mars in 2117.

Also, in September 2019, three astronauts were sent to the International Space Station (ISS) for the first time in the Arab world.

Meanwhile, in addition to Amal, space probes from China and the United States launched in July of last year will try to enter Mars orbit sooner or later.

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