“Appointment of the prosecutor’s chief Min Jeong is a regression in the past.”

On the afternoon of the 31st, Shin Hyun-soo, the new head of Min Jeong-su, is talking at the Blue House in Seoul.  2020. 12. 31 Blue House Photojournalists = Senior Reporter Lee Jong-geun of the Hankyoreh

On the afternoon of the 31st, Shin Hyun-soo, the new head of Min Jeong-su, is talking at the Blue House in Seoul. 2020. 12. 31 Blue House Photojournalists = Senior Reporter Lee Jong-geun of the Hankyoreh

“The people’s government (Kim Dae-jung government) also reduced the need to manage and control the prosecution from the middle. Past system of appointing former prosecutors as chief civilianI went back to

It is a part of “Destiny” published in 2011 by President Moon Jae-in. However, President Moon Jae-in was appointed chief civil servant for the first time in four years after the government was inaugurated. It means’returning to the old system of appointing former prosecutors as chief civil servants’. Accordingly, it is interpreted that the intention is to reverse the atmosphere of’prosecution reform’, which was led by personnel from non-prosecutors and only ruptured.

文 First government prosecutor, Shin Hyun-soo, Min Jeong

Shin Hyun-soo (63, 16th Judicial Research and Training Institute) has been steadily mentioned as a candidate for the first chief civilian and the Minister of Justice since the inauguration of the Moon government. In 2004, the Roh Moo-hyun administration was selected as the first incumbent prosecutor at the time as the Blue House’s appraisal secretary, and the relationship was established with President Moon Jae-in, then chief civilian.

However, he was caught in the fact that he was a’prosecutor’. This is because of concerns that “it is difficult for the prosecutors who are subject to reform to do’prosecution reform’.” ‘Prosecution reform’ was the first task of the Moon Jae-in administration. It was also pointed out that he is affiliated with Kim & Chang, a large law firm that is pointed to as the root of’retrospective personnel’.

The prosecution’s internal reaction to Chief Shin is also friendly. Chief Shin has worked with the National Intelligence Service and the Blue House, respectively, with Deputy Chief Prosecutor Cho Nam-gwan, who is second in the great prosecution, and Lee Seong-yoon, chief prosecutor of the nation’s largest prosecutors’ office.

Above all, it is said that he is close to Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol (61, 23rd Judicial Research and Training Institute), who is a 79th degree in law school at Seoul National University.

His appointment is a sign of change in light of the fact that President Moon has kept the principle of “post-prosecution” in the Civil Affairs Office. President Moon, who served twice as chief civil servant in the participatory government, was a human rights lawyer, former Minister of Justice Cho Kook, the first chief civil servant after the Moon administration, was a law professor, and former chief executives Kim Jo-won and Kim Jong-ho were former auditors.

Candidate Park Bum-gye opened an office in the Prosecutors’ Office

It is analyzed that such a change is due to public opinion inside and outside the prosecution as worsened by the’discipline of Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol’. In fact, candidate Park Bum-gye, who was appointed as the successor to Justice Minister Chu Mi-ae, is also a very different keynote.

Candidate Park Bum-gye, Minister of Justice, is attending the office for a personnel hearing prepared in the Seoul High Prosecutor's Office in Seocho-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of the 31st.

Candidate Park Bum-gye, Minister of Justice, is attending the office for a personnel hearing prepared in the Seoul High Prosecutor’s Office in Seocho-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of the 31st.

On the 31st, he set up the office of the personnel hearing preparation team at the Prosecutors’ Office in Seocho-dong, not the Ministry of Justice in Gwacheon. Candidate Park commented on the reason for setting up an office in the Seoul High Prosecutors’ Office, “There is’public sentiment’ in Yeouido, and’beopsim’ in Seocho-dong. “We have set up an office at the prosecutor’s office in order to respond to public sentiment, but also to listen to the legal court.”

Candidate Park also said to the members of the preparatory group that “the basic posture in work is humility.”

‘Sukyeol Yoon discipline’ boomerang, after that?

This can be interpreted as attempting to correct the situation that led to the fall of President Moon’s approval rating, as prosecutors rebelled as the punishment of President Yoon was viewed as retaliation for an investigation targeting the current regime.

Earlier, the Blue House issued a message saying, “As a person in charge of personnel, I apologize for causing discomfort and confusion after the court’s decision to suspend the two-month disposition of President Yun. The’two months of honesty’ proposed by Minister Chu was approved by President Moon. However, there were criticisms that even the’procedural legitimacy’ was lost when the court decided to suspend execution. The presidential approval rating also fell to the lowest level since inauguration in the 30% range.

Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol, who has returned to work, is on his way to the Supreme Prosecutors' Office in Seocho-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of the 25th.  yunhap news

Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol, who has returned to work, is on his way to the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office in Seocho-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of the 25th. yunhap news

A wreath is erected in front of the Supreme Prosecutors' Office in Seocho-gu, Seoul.  Reporter Kim Sang-sun

A wreath is erected in front of the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office in Seocho-gu, Seoul. Reporter Kim Sang-sun

Inside the prosecution, it is predicted that the intention of the Blue House will be included in the’high-ranking prosecutor’s personnel’ to be carried out in late January. In particular, it means that in personnel with a high prosecutor (deputy prosecutor) level or higher, it is necessary to see how the key tone of Minister Chu Mi-ae’s so-called’Yun Seok-yeol Division Massacre’ changes last year.

In response, an executive at the prosecution said, “The direction of investigation of suspicions related to the legality of the disciplinary process of President Yoon, etc., depends on the personnel of the Seoul High Prosecutors’ Office.I said.

This is because there are many cases related to the disciplinary action of Yoon, such as the case of the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office’Analytical Documents of the Court’ requested by the Ministry of Justice for the Seoul High Prosecutor’s Office, and the case of alleged interference with the inspection and investigation by Prosecutor Han Dong-hoon. The Seoul High Prosecutor’s Office is also in charge of the case against the suspicion of desertion and fraudulent solicitation of the son of Minister Chu Mi-ae and the opposition party.

Seoul High Prosecutor’s Office, Cho Sang-cheol, who directs the investigation, led an objection statement in which all six high prosecutors participated when Minister Chu ordered the exclusion of the duties of the prosecutor general on November 24 last year.

Reporter Kim Soo-min [email protected]
