Appointed Ki-seon Bang, Assistant Secretary of the Ministry of Equipment, as Executive Director of Asian Development Bank

[세종=이데일리 최훈길 기자] Ki-seon Bang (56, 34 times of Haengsi), an expert on economic policy, was appointed as the executive director of the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

Ki-sun Bang, Executive Director, Asian Development Bank (ADB). [사진=이데일리 노진환 기자]

According to the Ministry of Science and Technology on the 31st, Vice Minister Bang is scheduled to be appointed as executive director of ADB in Manila, Philippines on February 1. The term of office is three years. ADB is an organization founded in 1966 with the aim of promoting economic development and cooperation between developing countries in Asia and the Pacific. After graduating from the Department of Economics at Seoul National University, he was appointed to the public office, where he served as a senior administrative officer in the Office of the Office of Economic and Financial Affairs at the Blue House, the head of the Welfare and Budget Division, the Ministry of Strategy and Finance, the head of the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs, the head of the Economic Budget Deliberator and the Director of the Policy Coordination Bureau. It was selected three times in 2011, 2017, and 2018 as’the boss who wants to resemble’ selected by the staff of the Ministry of Technology, and was also in the hall of fame.

After the inauguration of the Moon Jae-in administration, Vice Minister Bang was the head of the policy coordination bureau and assistant secretary, and made achievements in smoothly coordinating and coordinating various economic policies such as regulatory innovation, investment expansion, support for start-ups and ventures, and measures for small and medium-sized businesses and small businesses.

Hong Nam-ki, deputy prime minister of the economy and minister of equipment, presented plaques of appreciation to the retiring assistant secretary-general Bang and Seung-ju Baek, head of the Planning and Coordination Office (34 times). Kijo Paik is scheduled to be appointed as Vice President of the Asian Development Bank Research Institute (ADBI) in Tokyo, Japan at the end of February. Lee Jong-wook will be appointed as the new head of the keynote department at the National Economic Advisory Council, and the next assistant secretary will be issued when the personnel verification process is completed.
