Apple to release helmet-type mixed reality headsets in next year … “Opening the era of AR and VR”

In a new research note, Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo predicts that Apple will release mixed reality headsets, augmented reality glasses, and virtual reality contact lenses in the future, according to foreign media such as Mac Rumors.

In a recent investment report, Ming Chi Guo predicted that Apple will launch helmet-type mixed reality headsets in 2022, augmented reality glasses in mid-2025, and virtual reality (AR) contact lenses by 2030-2040.

According to Ming Qi Guo, prototypes of Apple’s mixed reality headsets weigh approximately 200 to 300 grams. If Apple solves the technical problem, it can be reduced to 100-200g. He predicted that the headset would be priced in the U.S. at $1,000 to match the price of a high-end iPhone.

He predicts that the Apple headset will provide a’significantly better’ immersive experience than products released with the Sony micro OLED display. As with existing rumors, the headset explained that the headset will be equipped with several optical modules including a Sony micro OLED display, enabling see-through AR experience and VR experience.

The headset is expected to be a portable product with independent computing power and storage.

[사진 출처: 맥 루머스]

Earlier in February, Information reported that Apple is using a fabric mesh material to reduce the weight of the headset, and that it is being rendered based on Apple’s internal image of a late prototype showing the appearance of the headset.

According to Information, the headset is equipped with two ultra-high-resolution 8K displays, advanced eye tracking technology, and more than a dozen hand gesture cameras. The camera shows a video of the real world to the user through the helmet screen.

Ming Qi Guo predicts the MR/AR roadmap to be released by Apple, and predicted that “Helmet products provide AR and VR experiences, while glasses and contact lens-type products are highly likely to focus on AR applications.”

AR glasses will provide an optical see-through AR experience, and are expected to be deployed more in’mobile’ products compared to mixed reality headsets. “Helmets provide a great immersive experience, but glasses are more focused on providing a’mobile+AR’ experience,” he explained.

He said he expects Apple glasses to be integrated with Apple Cars expected to be released in the future.

Ming Qi Guo mentioned that Apple’s content lens products will lead to the transition from the’visible computing’ era to the’invisible computing’ era. However, no additional details were disclosed.
