Apple leaves HW vice president Dan Richio on’Apple Car’ project

[이데일리 장영은 기자] The background is drawing attention as Apple has injected senior vice president of hardware (HW) engineering Dan Richio into a new project. This is because he did not mention the new position he will assume while moving vice president Richio, a key executive who has successfully led the hardware team.

Apple announced on the 25th (local time) that Dan Richio, senior vice president of HW Engineering, has moved to a new position. Since joining Apple in 1998, Senior Vice President Dan Richio has been involved in the design and design of all Apple products, including the iPhone, iPad, MacBook, and AirPods, starting with the development of the first generation’iMac’.

Apple hasn’t commented on what projects Li Chio will take on in the future. In a statement that day, Richio said, “I’m looking forward to putting all my time and energy into creating something that I like best, something new and cool that won’t be interesting anymore.”

Considering the roles and capabilities that Lichio has played at Apple, the new project he will take on is expected to be a new business field directly connected to future growth engines.

CNBC, the US economic media, said that Richio would lead the’mystery project’, and that Apple has been working on electric vehicles with virtual and augmented reality headsets in recent years.

In particular, it is reported that Apple is accelerating the development of self-driving electric vehicles with the goal of 2024, and there are observations that Li Chio, senior vice president, will lead the electric vehicle project.

The recent news that key developers and key personnel within Apple have been borrowed from existing teams, and that there has been a shift and redeployment of personnel also fuels this prospect.

Meanwhile, the position of head of the HW engineering team led by Richio will be transferred to Vice President John Turnus.
