Apple declares semiconductor self-development in Germany… Samsung is shaking



Apple, which is converting semiconductor chips for personal computers (PCs), laptops, tablet PCs, and smartphones from outsourcing to direct design, has invested about 1.3 trillion won (1 billion euros) in Germany for the next three years to design and develop semiconductors. It will be raised as a semiconductor base to take over.

Through a press release on the 10th (local time), Apple expanded its investment in the largest research and development center in Munich in Europe, building a 30,000 square meter home in 2022, and hiring hundreds more, bringing Munich to Europe. I revealed a plan to use it as the central point of my semiconductor design.

Apple is already operating the largest research and development (R&D) center in Europe in Munich, and the newly completed home is expected to become the center of research and development for semiconductors and software for mobile wireless communication in Europe. The mobile phone team, which has an increasing proportion, is also moving in.

They will develop 5G communication (5G) and next-generation technology, mobile innovation through integration of hardware and software technology, and develop, integrate and optimize modems for Apple products. Currently, at the Munich R&D Center, more than 1,500 technicians from 40 countries are working in the power management system design and application process, and in the field of wireless communication technology.

Tim Cook, Apple Chief Executive Officer (CEO), said, “I can’t be interested anymore as our technicians in Munich will discover new possibilities for 5G technology, as well as the next generation of technologies that enable higher performance, speed and connectivity. Jikyung” said.

Regarding this investment in Munich, Germany’s Frankfurter Algemaineitong (FAZ) said, “Apple is meaningful in that it is a strategy to increase the performance of its products and increase the use of its own semiconductors for each product application.” said.

Apple is working on converting the semiconductors used in its information technology (IT) devices from existing external procurement to direct design. Earlier, Apple opened a design center in Bavaria in 2015 and developed specially manufactured semiconductors to improve the functions and utility of the iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and Mac.

Apple canceled the cooperation with Intel, which had been continuing for more than 15 years last year, and launched the first PC equipped with the self-designed semiconductor chip M1. Apple plans to convert its own design products from Intel products in the US for semiconductors that will be used in future models. The cellular modem chip installed in the iPhone is also expected to be replaced with a modem designed by Qualcomm.

Seongsu Bae, reporter of [email protected]

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