Apple car partner selection round 2, including candidates for Hyundai Motor Company

Input 2021.02.10 10:41

It is predicted that Apple will develop’Apple Car’ and confirm a partner in the first half of 2021. After Hyundai Motor Group announced the suspension of the collaboration discussion, most of the global automakers with the ability to develop and manufacture electric vehicles were in the water. However, Hyundai Motor Company and Kia are still mentioned as leading partners of Apple Car.

Volkswagen EV platform MEB (top) and Hyundai Motor Group EV platform E-GMP / companies

9th (local time) Apple InsiderAccording to financial services and investment firm Weatherbush Security, in a recent report, it is more than 85% likely that Apple will officially announce a partnership agreement with an EV partner within the next three to six months. Considering the global automobile market environment, this year is the best place for Apple to enter the autonomous electric vehicle market.

Weedbush analyst Daniel Ives said, “Even if Apple secures a 5-10% market share in the EV market, which is expected to reach $5 trillion (5600 trillion won), it is enough to use it as a new growth engine for the company.”

The report pointed out that the green car drive in the U.S. is also a reason for Apple to rush to manufacture electric cars. It is pointed out that as US automakers such as GM and Ford are speeding up the transition to eco-friendly cars under the biden government’s policy to support eco-friendly cars, Apple needs to take the same ride.

Hyundai Motor Company, Kia, Hyundai Mobis, etc. On the 8th, major affiliates of Hyundai Motor Group announced the suspension of cooperation in car development with Apple.did. The three companies announced that they are not conducting consultations with Apple on the development of autonomous vehicles.

The report analyzed that Apple may choose Volkswagen as an alternative to the Hyundai Motor Group. This is because Apple can give a high score to the scalability of Volkswagen’s electric vehicle platform MEB, and Volkswagen has excellent mass-production capacity, ranking first or second in global automobile production.

At the same time, the report explained that negotiations between Apple and Hyundai Motor Company were temporarily suspended, but Hyundai Motor’s electric vehicle platform’E-GMP’ would still be a good option for Apple.

On the other hand, after the news of Hyundai Motor Group’s suspension of Apple car negotiations, global automakers are one after another. Major candidates include Japanese automobile groups such as Toyota, Honda and Nissan, India’s Tata Group, which owns Jaguar Land Rover, and China’s Geely.

Reporter Ahn Hyo-moon [email protected]

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