Appearance of You Quiz’Science High School Medical Students’ apology “The ignorance of the production staff” [전문]

tvN’U Quiz on the Block’ apologized for the controversy over the selection of performers caused by the appearance of medical students from science high schools.

You Quiz On The Block Capture

You Quiz On The Block Capture

On the 10th, tvN’You Quiz on the Block’ delivered an apology saying, “I sincerely apologize,” saying, “I apologize to the viewers because of the ignorance of the production crew,” while conveying the planning intention of the special feature broadcasted last week.

The production crew said, “I felt great pride and a sense of accomplishment in producing a broadcast that is a content that is sympathetic and comforting to the viewers and remains a precious memory for the performers.” “I’m sorry to be left behind.”

“Our production team has been able to look back and reflect on a lot of things as an opportunity to do this,” he said. “In the future, we will approach with good content by reflecting on our initial mindset of making a broadcast that meets the trend of the times and breathes with the emotions of viewers.” I promised.

Shin Mo, who is attending Seoul National University’s medical school, appeared in’U Quiz on the Block’, which aired on the 6th.

After graduating from Gyeonggi Science High School, Shin passed the Yonsei University, Korea University, Sungkyunkwan University, Hanyang University, and Kyunghee University Medical School at the same time.

In particular, Shin cited 200 hours of medical service as the secret to passing medical school.

You Quiz On The Block Capture

You Quiz On The Block Capture

After the broadcast, criticism was raised saying, “There is a problem with going to medical school at a science high school that operates with a national tax for the purpose of nurturing gifted students in science and engineering.”

You Quiz on the Block viewers' bulletin board capture.

You Quiz on the Block viewers’ bulletin board capture.

Viewers’ bulletin board says, “Are you proud of someone who went to medical school from a science high school?” There was a line of criticisms such as “Tax splash”.

The controversy over the qualities of the cast of’You Quiz’ also emerged in August. It was pointed out in the Cargirl and Peter couple that the couple sold expensive paintings using the broadcast.

At the time of the recording, the Car Girl couple presented a copy of the designer Maurizio Colby’s painting to the host Jae-seok Yoo and Se-ho Jo.

This part was edited on the air, but the Cargirl couple started selling the pictures by uploading them to the YouTube channel as a video they took.

You Quiz On The Block Capture

You Quiz On The Block Capture

The Cargirl couple apologized for the incident and YouTube switched to private.

When the problem arose, the production crew of’You Quiz’ said, “It is an obvious fault of the production crew that we did not fully recognize the suspicions related to the Car-girl couple and proceeded with the public relations, filming and broadcasting.” I apologize.”

Below is an apology from the production crew of’You Quiz’ in the controversy of medical students from science high school.

Good morning. This is the crew of U Quiz On The Block.

The last broadcast, You Quiz’Contain’, was designed to convey how each person has lived with something valuable in their lives.

We were very disappointed to the viewers with the ignorance of the production crew while dealing with the story. We sincerely apologize for this.

Until now, You Quiz’s production crew has felt great pride and a sense of accomplishment in producing a broadcast that is a content that empathizes and comforts the viewers and remains a valuable memory for the performers.

That is why I am sorry that this event will leave a bad memory not only for the viewers but also for the performers who decided to appear with difficulty. This time, our production crew looked back and reflected on many things.

From the summer of 2018 to the winter of 2021, I felt indescribable happiness with the great history of ordinary people with ten different seasons. In the future, we will continue to reflect on our initial mindset to create a broadcast that keeps pace with the trend of the times and breathes with the emotions of viewers, and we will approach with better content.

Thank you for sending us your valuable criticism so we can grow.

Reporter Shin Hyeyeon [email protected]
