Apologizes for’Happy Recognition’ Jin Dal-rae, “I will be self-sufficient…”

Singer Jin Dal-rae, who voluntarily dismissed from TV Chosun’Mistrot 2’after acknowledging the fact of the violence in school in the past, confessed her feelings. Azalea SNS

Singer Jin Dal-rae, who voluntarily dismissed from TV Chosun’Mistrot 2’after acknowledging the fact of the violence in school in the past, confessed her feelings.

Jin Dal-rae posted a long sentence on his SNS on the 31st of last month, saying, “I apologize carefully, but I am unsure of what words to start with. First, I sincerely apologize to the victims who were hurt by wrongdoing in my school days” Posted an apology.

In the apology, Jin Dal-rae said, “I tried to contact the victim in person to apologize, but it was not easy, so I apologize in writing,” he said. “I regret to tear my heart out to say that my immature behavior still remains a trauma. I’m so resentful,” he said.

He continued, “Before I was singer Jin Dal-rae, I also became a mother of a child, so I regret how wrong my actions were in the past, and I will live with an apology throughout my life,” he said, “I sincerely apologize again.” I apologized again.

Jin Dal-rae, who decided to get off voluntarily from’Mistrot 2′, which was appearing due to this incident, said, “Many fans who cherished and supported the singer named Azalea, the agency officials who took care of him like a family, and the officials of’Mistrot 2′ I apologize to my Mistrot colleagues as I think they have become,” he bowed his head to fans and officials.

In the end, he said, “I feel sorry for all the people who supported me because the efforts of many people who ran for singer Jin Dal-rae for a long time and for my dreams seem to have been lost due to my mistakes.” Even if a long time has passed so that I can become a confident mother, I will certainly admit and ask for forgiveness for the part I did wrong. And if there is a chance, I would like to meet with the victim and ask for forgiveness in person.”

Meanwhile, on the 30th of last month, Jindalrae was suspicious of school violence when a revelation was posted in an online community. When the controversy arose, Jin Dal-rae admitted to the fact that she was abusive and got off the show.

Hyemin Hong reporter

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