Apartment buying sentiment stronger in the new year… Metropolitan area’the best ever’

Real estate agent investigation… The metropolitan area trading supply and demand index was 117.2, the highest since the 2012 survey

Non-capital areas such as Daegu and Ulsan are also high

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Kim Dong-gyu = The sentiment for purchasing apartments in the metropolitan area has risen to the highest level ever.

Despite the government’s various measures, the sentiment to buy an apartment seems to continue to rise as the rent and house prices skyrocket.

Unjeong New Town and Ilsan New Town Apartment Complex from the border area of ​​Paju City, Gyeonggi-do
Unjeong New Town and Ilsan New Town Apartment Complex from the border area of ​​Paju City, Gyeonggi-do

[연합뉴스 자료사진]

According to the Korea Real Estate Agency on the 25th, as of the survey on the 18th of this month, the apartment sales and demand index in the metropolitan area recorded 117.2, up 1.9 points from the previous week (115.3).

This is the highest figure since July 2012, when the Korea Real Estate Agency started this survey.

The trading supply and demand index is an index of the supply and demand ratio by analyzing the survey of member brokerage establishments and the number of internet sales by the Real Estate Agency. The closer to ‘0’, the more supply is than demand, and the closer to ‘200’, the more demand is than supply. it means.

If the number is close to the baseline ‘100’, it means that the proportions of supply and demand are similar.

In the metropolitan area, Gyeonggi (123.1) and Incheon (112.8) recorded the highest figures after the survey.

In Gyeonggi Province, the government tightened loans for high-priced apartments as a countermeasure against December 16 last year, and the demand for trading passed from Seoul to Gyeonggi, and in December of last year it exceeded 100. It has been 2 years and 5 months since July 2017.

Since then, the Gyeonggi Province has been regulated on overheated areas through the June 17th and July 10th measures last year, but it has maintained over 100, and the rising trend has not declined even once from the first week of last October (107.4) to last week.

A panoramic view of Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, designated as an overheating district in last year's June 17th measures
A panoramic view of Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, designated as an overheating district in last year’s June 17th measures

[연합뉴스 자료사진]

Incheon also showed a similar pattern to Gyeonggi-do.

Seoul reached 109.2, the highest in five months since August 3 (111.1), just before the announcement of the August 4 supply measures last year.

A real estate official said, “As the housing price in Seoul rises sharply and the jeonse crisis is added, the demand for buying and selling apartments in Incheon and Gyeonggi, which is cheaper than Seoul, is forming a market with a dominant seller.”

As the buying trend continued, apartment prices in the metropolitan area continued to rise.

Last week, the real estate agency survey showed that apartment prices in the metropolitan area rose 0.31% from the previous week, recording the highest increase in 8 years and 8 months after the related statistics were prepared.

Apartment purchase sentiment was also high in non-metropolitan areas.

Last week, Busan (115.1), Daejeon (116.5), Daegu (120.4), Gwangju (109.5), Ulsan (116.1), etc. Metropolitan cities and Chungnam (114.7), Chungbuk (108.6), Gyeongnam (104.6), Gyeongbuk (109.1), Jeonnam ( 106.5) and Jeonbuk (101.3) all surpassed 100.

As a result of this, the nationwide trade supply and demand index was also 114.7, the highest ever.

Increase in number of apartments (PG)
Increase in number of apartments (PG)

[장현경 제작] illustration

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