“Anthelmintic ivermectin can reduce corona 19 fatality rate by 80%” by British researchers

“Anthelmintic ivermectin can reduce corona 19 fatality rate by 80%” by British researchers

Revision 2021.01.05 14:29Input 2021.01.05 11:11

Medical community needs additional research
Dr. Andrew Hill “Reducing the duration of treatment for severe patients”

[아시아경제 나주석 기자] It has been argued that ivermectin, an anthelmintic used in head lice and scabies, is effective as a treatment for the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19). Corona 19 fatality rate can be reduced by up to 80%. The medical community is cautious, saying that additional clinical trials are required.

British researchers

On the 4th (local time), the British Daily Mail reported that ivermectin has the effect of halving the duration of treatment for severely ill patients with Corona 19, citing a study by Dr. Andrew Hill, a virologist at the University of Liverpool. Dr. Hill also revealed expectations that ivermectin could change even the aspect of the war on Corona 19.

Ivermectin has conducted clinical trials on 1,400 corona19 patients in Egypt, Argentina, and Bangladesh. As a result, in patients who received ivermectin, the Corona 19 virus disappeared twice as fast as those who did not.

This clinical trial was commissioned by the World Health Organization (WHO) and was mainly conducted in developing countries.

However, in the medical community, more research is needed regarding the effect of ivermectin. This is because hydroxychloroquine, which was previously selected as a treatment for Corona 19, was also found to have no actual effect.

In addition, it is pointed out that clinical trials cannot grasp the effect of the actual drug because the prescribed dose is different or it is treated in parallel with other drugs.

Reporter Na Ju-seok [email protected]
