Another leak before the announcement of the ‘2·4 supply plan’… Come up in real estate cafes, etc.

Input 2021.02.04 13:31

It is expected that press releases were leaked to real estate cafes and stores before the government announced the ‘2/4 supply plan’.

On this day, the government announced a plan to expand the public-led 3080+ metropolitan area housing supply radically at 10 am at the Seoul Government Building jointly with relevant ministries. This measure included the provision of 836,000 houses nationwide through the public direct implementation maintenance project and the urban public housing complex project.

Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Byun Chang-heum answers reporters’ questions at the’Public-led 3080+ metropolitan area housing supply breakthrough briefing’ held at the auditorium in the annex of the government building on the morning of the 4th./Yonhap News

The Blue House emphasized strict security, such as stating that it would severely punish public officials who leaked their countermeasures in advance, but even before the announcement was made, data began to circulate on social media such as real estate cafes and KakaoTalk group chat rooms.

Relevant ministries pre-distributed press releases to the media at 8:30 am on this day and set an embargo (deferral) until 10 am to prohibit the leakage of data. In the case of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, the media’s name and reporter’s name were engraved on all pages of the press release as a watermark to strictly control data leakage.

The government has been paying special attention to security, considering the fact that real estate measures have a great impact on the market, but a hole was made in security. This is not the first time the content has been leaked before real estate measures are announced.

Even just before the announcement of the June 17 measures last year, confidential data was leaked through online real estate cafes and group chat rooms, and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport announced its policy of severe punishment. Even ahead of this announcement, the Blue House is known to have emphasized security, such as placing a severe punishment against public officials who leaked their countermeasures in advance.
