Another ghost, the apple car, is roaming

Another ghost is wandering the world tech market. This time it’s an Apple Car. No one knows exactly what it exists. However, its power is terrifying. Whenever the shadow or the hem shines through the news where the authenticity is difficult to know, everyone is a fuss. Steve Jobs, who died, is driving out a living world tech company. Will Jobs and his descendants, who drove out the giant Nokia, change into the auto market?

The iPhone has a call function, but it is no longer the phone of the past. So, the name of this strange object should be put on the’child’ rather than the’phone’. ‘Child’ is something we feel as a whole while using it. The breadth and depth of the change is so great that we haven’t even given a name that suits it. At best, smart is a modifier, but what is not a phone is called a phone.

Apple car concept rendering image (Photo = Aristomenis Tsirbas)

When the iPhone first came out, the company that thought,’Isn’t that a phone?’, only had a long and short time, but eventually went into ruin. Nokia, Motorola and LG Electronics are representative. On the contrary, companies that think more deeply about’i’ than’phone’ in the iPhone have endless business opportunities. These are companies that have quickly transformed their business content from a PC environment to a mobile environment. In Korea, companies like Kakao and Netmarble will be representative.

If the road of the phone was like that, what will the road of the car be? Apple cars are called’another ghost’ because cars can also be on the road. It is because we believe that a time is approaching when the fate of a company that still treats a car as a car and a company that defines it as something new are sharply mixed as in the phone. There is a reason why so many people are fussing over a ghost-like existence that has no clear identity yet.

If the car will no longer be the car of the past, what will it be? The keywords so far are’eco-friendly’ and’autonomy’. These are the two that change the most outwardly. Engines that use fossil fuels are replaced by batteries, which are secondary batteries, and the steering wheel, a key means of driving, disappears. The former is already growing into a huge industry. Tesla, the leader of electric vehicles, Nio in China, and secondary battery makers are the real entities.

As long as the environment-friendly issue has risen to mankind’s greatest challenge, the car market is bound to shake. This is because the competitiveness of the past, centered on engine performance, is no longer meaningful. Since the iPhone, it seems that simple call quality has not been a competitive factor for smartphones. Traditional automakers have to get on this trend, but the change is likely to be slow, as they still have to make most of their profits from the engine.

Nevertheless, the trend of eco-friendly change is now somewhat predictable. Whether it’s a new company like Tesla or a traditional automaker, the path has been set, and only the question of who runs faster on that path remains. However, this fight is still just a’competition between cars’. Even if it becomes an electric car, it is just a car. Before the iPhone, every phone that was changed is the same reason that it was a phone after all.

‘Autonomy’ is different from eco-friendly. If eco-friendliness is’the competition of technology’, autonomy is not just a competition of technology. It is more of a comprehensive art than technology. Numerous technologies must be combined that are never lower than green technologies. It’s not just a matter of combining. You have to make a new use, you have to make a car, but not a car, something. Who can bring that difficult item to the world?

The global tech market is now focused on finding that ghost. In fact, it is no exaggeration to say that the ghost is the dream of every automobile and IT company. However, the dream is so magnificent that it only looks futile when most companies speak. However, not many people disagree that in the not too distant future the ghost will appear and shake the tech market. Because technology and business have always made science fiction a reality.

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Many players in the tech market are paying attention to Apple in that regard. Of course, companies such as Google and China’s Baidu are strong candidates to make that dream a reality. Nevertheless, what is particularly interested in Apple is the immense destructive power the iPhone has shown. Apple is recognized as the best company to make cars with something other than cars. The problem is that there is very little information about Apple Cars.

For the sensitive, the situation is like the night before the storm. Feel the air currents wriggling under the calm surface. Every time an unknown news comes out like a ghost from outside of Apple, the antenna stands upright. Such a reaction is sometimes dismissed as a fuss. However, the presence or absence of that antenna could turn into a survival issue in the not too distant future. If you can’t beat the Apple Car, it’s time to set up the antenna and keep pace and move it little by little.
