Another advocate for Park Won-soon… Lim Jong-seok “Is he such a bad person?”

Im Jong-seok, Park Won-soon's advocacy (Photo = Former Secretary Lim Jong-seok Facebook capture, Yonhap News)

Lim Jong-seok, former presidential secretary, defended the late Mayor Park Won-soon, saying, “Is he such a terrible person?”

On the 23rd, Im exclaimed on Facebook today (23rd), “If integrity is still the ethics of public officials, Mayor Park is the most honest public official I know.”

He also wrote that the former mayor of Park was “a small public official who did not eat hotel meals, did not wear a sharp suit, and left more than half of the business expenses.”

In addition, he said, “I often meet Park Won-soon when driving.” I continued writing.

Former Secretary Lim added, “I think of Park Won-soon, who emphasized walking rather than driving,” when passing through Insa-dong, Yeondae and Yeonnam-dong, Deoksugung-dong sidewalk, Seoul Plaza, and Gwanghwamun under construction of the plaza expansion.

He also wrote “I feel the scent of Park Won-soon,” referring to the town office and’Finding’.

“I miss him as he traveled around the world to spread the administration of Seoul city and debated passionately with global leaders,” said former secretary chief Im. “Mayor Park was the most sensitive and progressive person to future values ​​and life issues.” .

He emphasized, “I hope that his passion, who was striving hard to fill people’s warmth and breath with hard administration, will not be buried”, and “Park Won-soon, who was keen to increase the value of people every moment in the forest of Yongsan Park. I hope that the names of the names of the characters are inscribed in a simple way,” he concluded.

(Photo = Facebook capture of former secretary chief Lim Jong-seok, Yonhap News)
