‘Annoying’ Chelsea fans, “Lampard is a terrible manager… bring Rogers!”-Star News


[스포탈코리아] Reporter Kwak Him-chan = Chelsea fans, who lost their patience, cried out for the appointment of Brandon Rogers, along with Frank Lampard’s hardship.

Chelsea lost 0-2 in the 2020/21 English Premier League (EPL) round 18 match against Leicester City held at the King Power Stadium in Leicester, England, at 5:15 a.m. on the 20th. Chelsea knelt in the first half alone, conceding against Wilfred Ndiddy and James Madison.

Chelsea, who formed the lead at the beginning of the season, remained in eighth place with a sixth league loss in the season due to their defeat against Leicester. For Chelsea fans, it is inevitable. Ahead of this season, Chelsea reinforced their abilities with busy signing moves such as Hakim Ziech, Timo Werner, Kai Habertz, and Thiago Silva. However, it is not seeing any effect.

Then, Chelsea fans, who have run out of patience, are now shouting Lampard’s hardship and Rogers’ appointment. The British media’Dailysta’ said, “The voice of Lampard’s hard demand is getting louder. As a result, Chelsea fans pointed out Rogers, who had been a leader under Jose Morinho in the past, as a replacement for Lampard.”

Chelsea fans say, “Rogers is a world-class coach. If he comes to Chelsea, Haberts will escape the sluggishness and Werner will score. Rogers can make the players perform better.” “Lampard is terrible. “Rogers must come”, “Lampard Out, Rogers In” responded.

Led by Rogers, Leicester scored undefeated in six league games (4 wins and 2 draws) with a victory against Chelsea, surpassing Manchester United and jumping to the sole lead. Of course, Manchester United played one less game, but Rogers’ leadership is praiseworthy.

Photo = Getty Image Korea

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