Announcement of adjustment of distance on the 31st… Expert “Premature” Owner “1 hour extension”

On the 29th, the Itaewon World Food Street in Yongsan-gu, Seoul, where restaurants are gathered, is showing a busy appearance. According to the’December 2020 and Annual Industrial Activity Trends’ released by the National Statistical Office that day, all industrial production declined 0.8% due to the impact of Corona 19 last year, recording the lowest growth rate ever since statistics were compiled. In particular, the production of the service industry, which was hit by lodging and restaurants in the aftermath of social distancing, decreased by 2.0%, adding to the shock. 2021.1.29/News1 © News1 Reporter Park Se-yeon

While the government is scheduled to announce a plan to adjust the social distancing stage related to the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) on the 31st, experts said that considering the current situation, the easing is premature.

The self-employed, most sensitive to whether or not to adjust the distancing level, agreed with experts, but expressed opposition to stronger regulations. Some voiced voices hoping for a plan to extend the business hours by an additional hour.

◇ Expert “There are still many confirmed cases…it is too early to ease distance”

30 days for infectious medicine specialists <뉴스1>Considering the current confirmed trend in the talks with the company, it is expected that measures to ease distancing will not be easy. It is because of the still confirmed status.

From the 17th to the 30th (2 weeks), new confirmed cases of Corona 19 per day were ‘520→389→386→404→400→346→431→392→437→354→559→497→469→458. The average number of confirmed regional outbreaks per week was 424.3. This is equivalent to an average of 400 to 500 people per week based on 2.5 steps of distance.

Accordingly, the common opinion of experts is that the current 2.5 level should be maintained. Eun-mi Cheon, a professor of respiratory medicine at Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital, said, “The spreading trend is continuing,” and “the distant stage should maintain its current state (2.5 stage).”

Prof. Chun expressed the opinion that the 2.5-step distance should be maintained at least until the Lunar New Year holidays compared to Chuseok last year. He said, “Last year’s Chuseok, there were not many local outbreaks, but now there are many local outbreaks, and it is highly likely that asymptomatic and mildly confirmed patients are in the community.” said.

Kim Woo-joo, a professor of infectious medicine at Daegu Guro Hospital, said, “It will be according to the judgment standards set by the government.” It is explained that the current stage should be maintained as there are daily confirmed cases corresponding to the 2.5 stage standard.

Choi Won-seok, a professor of infectious medicine at the University Ansan Hospital, said, “From the point of view of infectious medicine, the (social distancing step) should not be alleviated.” You have to consider it comprehensively and decide.”

◇ Self-employed people agree to worry about Corona 19… ‘Opposite’ to strengthen distance

Self-employed people, who are most sensitive to the distance, are also feeling a sense of crisis from the recent spread of Corona 19. However, it made clear the opposition to the further strengthening of distancing measures. Rather, there was a voice hoping to extend the business hours by one hour.

Oh Seong-young, head of the National Health Club Directors’ Association, said, “I hope that it will return to normal if possible,” but said, “The confirmed cases are continuing. As the spread of self-employed people such as gyms increases, I hope the government will consider appropriate quarantine steps.”

Chairman Oh also spoke of the need to ease business hours, but said the priority is to catch the current spread.

Lee Mo, who runs a cafe in Seoul, also said, “If the spreading trend increases, people’s activities will decrease, which will eventually disrupt sales.”

Self-employed people were concerned about Corona 19, but opposed strengthening their distance.

Chairman Oh said, “If the regulations are strengthened, the difficulties for self-employed people will increase,” Goo Goo-soo, president of the National Cafe Presidents Association, and Park Joo-hyung, president of the Pilates Fitness Business Federation, shared the same opinion.

They hoped to expand their business hours. “It is possible to eat indoors until 9 pm, but the effect of increasing sales is not as much as expected,” said CEO Gowon-soo. “I hope to increase business hours by one hour.” Representative Park Joo-hyung also said, “If the indoor sports facility is also extended by an hour, it will be of great help.”

Expert opinions on the one hour extension were mixed. Professor Kim Woo-joo said, “It is not impossible to extend an hour. It is possible when considering the business of self-employed people.” At the same time, Professor Kim emphasized efforts to detect asymptomatic and mildly confirmed patients early by expanding screening clinics.

On the other hand, Professor Eun-mi Chun said, “It is possible to extend the business hours by one hour, but if you extend the business hours at night, it may interfere with quarantine by increasing drinking places.”

Prof. Won-seok Choi said, “As long as the distance distancing is eased, a crisis can occur in quarantine,” and “the government must make a comprehensive judgment.”

On the other hand, the current social distancing phase (the 2.5th stage in the metropolitan area, the 2nd stage in the non-metropolitan area) ends on the 31st. The government was initially scheduled to announce a proposal to adjust distances on the 29th, but due to the recent increase in the number of confirmed cases, the announcement was delayed to the end date, the 31st.

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