`Ankle broken` Kang So-hui `Ace’s sad injury` [MK스토리]

Maekyung.com MK Sports (Jangchung Gymnasium) = Reporter Kim Jae-hyun

GS Caltex ace Kang So-hui was taken to the hospital due to an ankle break injury.

Kang So-hui led the team’s lead until the second half of the 3rd set in the 2020-2021 women’s professional volleyball match between Hyundai E&C and GS Caltex at Jangchung Gymnasium on the afternoon of the 22nd.

Kang So-hui, who played a big role in airborne with subace, sensational spikes, and blocking, jumped to block in the second half of the 3rd set, which was in close combat with 24-24.

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Kang So-hui is transported to the hospital after being carried on a stretcher due to an ankle injury.

Kang So-hui, who complained of excruciating pain by grabbing her ankle, was quickly loaded onto a stretcher and taken to the hospital.

Director Cha Sang-hyun, who watched Kang So-hui’s injury, poured out a scream-like sigh in a moment of collapse.

GS Caltes, who is in a messy atmosphere due to Kang So-hui’s sudden injuries, eventually handed over 3 sets to Hyundai E&C and won the 4th set with a 3-1 set score and recorded 5 consecutive wins.

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Kang So-hui made a big success from the first set.

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Scored as a subace.

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Cute expression and…

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Leading the team with an airplane ceremony, but…

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When he landed while jumping for blocking in the second half of the 3rd set, his right ankle broke.

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Kang So-hui fell down while grabbing the injured ankle.

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I am enduring excruciating pain.

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Director Cha Sang-hyun, who had watched Kang So-hui’s injury, lamented loudly and was sad. [email protected]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
