Anal corona test instead of nose in Beijing, foreigners are “insulting”

When Chinese health authorities introduced anal tests in some areas to confirm the new coronavirus infection, residents were considered “humorous” and were even giving up their return home for the Lunar New Year, which requires a corona negative certificate, the Hong Kong Bin Fruit Daily reported. During the Lunar New Year holidays, the Chinese government required all returnees in their country to bring a negative nucleic acid test (PCR) certificate issued 7 days before departure. Those entering overseas need a certificate that they have been tested twice within 48 hours of departure and have a negative sound.

I need a voice certificate when I return home
Citizens “I don’t go home after being tested”

According to the Global Times, the state-run English newspaper in China, the inspection in question is conducted on close contacts and foreign visitors in some regions, including Beijing and Qingdao in Shandong Province. The test was introduced according to the claim that the coronavirus will remain in the digestive system and feces longer than the respiratory tract, such as the nasal cavity, which stays 3 to 5 days. Li Tong-jung, an infectious disease specialist who appeared on CC-TV in China, argued that “the accuracy can be further improved.” “There is no evidence that virus transmission is more common among patients who test positive,” Bloomberg News said.

Among those who have experienced tests, there are many reactions that are “insulting.” To test, a cotton swab needs to be inserted 3~5cm and rotated several times. The Washington Post (WP) reported that 80% of respondents in a recent Weibo survey said it was’unacceptable’.

According to the Ministry of Transportation of China on the 29th of last month, 1.7 billion people are expected to move in this Lunar New Year, a 40% decrease from the same period in 2019, before the spread of Corona 19.

Reporter Seo Yujin [email protected]
