An Eye on Safety Culture and Local Economy- Park Byeong-seok, Chairman of the National Assembly, “Easing Transfer Tax Is Not a Market Signal”

▲ Chairman Park Byeong-seok (left) is taking a commemorative photo after being prevented by the new Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Byun Chang-heum. (Examination = provided by the National Assembly)

[세계로컬타임즈 유영재 기자] After being prevented by the new Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Byeon Chang-heum, National Assembly Speaker Park Byeong-seok said, “The policy should be consistent and predictable.” .

On the morning of the 13th, he met Minister Byun in the office of the chairman. Chairman Park said, “If the government shakes or gives the expectation that policies may change due to elections, we cannot expect market stability. The government should also take a clear position and go in a direction where the sale of multi-homed people can come out.”

This can be interpreted as expressing opposition to the theory of easing capital gains tax for multi-homed people recently raised by some of the passports.

Chairman Park also said, “The most pressing issue is the real estate issue, both nationally and the people as a whole.” “Many people are suffering from rising real estate prices. We hope that we will come up with real estate measures by grasping both sides of positive and negative in a balance.”

At the same time, regarding the recent economic situation in Korea, “a situation that is not suitable for investment due to a lot of liquidity and lower interest rates,” he said. There is” he emphasized.

In response, Minister Byeon Chang-heum said, “Now people are very worried that there will be no additional housing supply in Seoul. We will focus on showing and informing us that this policy is feasible as sufficient quantities are available and there are so many different supply methods.”

In addition, Minister Byun said, “In 2019 and 2020, the number of households in Seoul showed a rapid increase for various reasons. As of now, London, Amsterdam, and Paris have more than 50% It is important to supply them.”

On the other hand, on this day, the head of the Planning and Coordination Office of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Jeong Gyeong-hoon, the head of the Eui-Eui-Kiwang office, and Han Min-soo, the civil service secretary, were present.

[저작권자ⓒ 세계로컬타임즈. 무단전재-재배포 금지]
