An apology after acknowledging the safety and exposure of inter-floor noise “I’m sorry… Looking for a move”

  0th image of the article

Apology photo = DB

Comedian A acknowledged and apologized for being himself in the inter-floor noise exposure text.

On the 12th, an online community site posted a message saying,’Please be careful about the noise between the floors of comedian A!’

Netizen B, who published this article, introduced himself that he moved to the 28th week of pregnancy in March last year. The apartment we moved in was an apartment famous for low noise between floors in the neighborhood, so we had high expectations.”

At the time of moving, it was a time when the spread of the corona 19 damage became serious, so Mr. B worked from home. “But I was stressed by the sound of throwing things upstairs, foot hammers, and running. I politely asked my husband and asked him to come, so I visited him twice and asked, but nothing improved.”

Then, after having a conversation, Mr. B’s husband said, “(A’s)’Do you know it’s illegal to visit like this?’ ‘You’re very sensitive”Would you like to tie the kid up?’ He said,’Hado a civil petition came and laid two mats in the house, so check it with your eyes.’ After seeing this, Mr. B looked up his wife’s SNS, and saw children roller skating without a mat, and walking around in toy shoes, and it became controversial by revealing this.

In this regard, Ahn said, “I am very sorry that my child was running, so I apologize through an interview with on the 13th.”

He added, “I’m looking to move to a first floor or piloti-structured house with no lower floors.”

Reporter Namkyung Lee, Ministry of Population and Culture at MBN Star [email protected]
