An 8-year-old Indian boy who disappeared while swimming in Borneo Island… Alligator belly cracked

Frequent dragged by crocodiles on Borneo Island.

An 8-year-old Indian boy who disappeared while swimming in Borneo Island...  Alligator belly cracked
An 8-year-old boy who went missing while swimming on the island of Borneo was found in a crocodile boat. [이미지출처=연합뉴스]

[아시아경제 김봉주 기자] On the island of Borneo, an 8-year-old boy who disappeared in an Indonesian river was found in a crocodile boat.

According to Compass and others for the 5th day, an 8-year-old boy who was swimming in the river at Muara Bengalo village in East Kalimantan, Borneo on the 3rd was missing.

The fishing boy’s father and brother saw the crocodile dragging the child into the water, but only their feet rolled.

Upon receiving the report, the search authorities mobilized a crocodile trainer to scour the river where the child had disappeared.

On the 4th, the day after the disappearance, a crocodile was found 100m away from the child’s disappearance and an anesthetic gun was fired.

Search authorities dragged the anesthetized crocodile into the river, split the boat and pulled out the child’s body.

The search team leader said, “The body found on the crocodile’s stomach is intact,” he said. “It is presumed that the crocodile swallowed the whole child.”

The boy’s body was handed over to his family. The family plans to bury the boy. The crocodile that cut the boat was also buried.

On the island of Borneo, crocodiles are often dragged into the water as well as adults.

In late July of last year, a 14-year-old boy disappeared while catching a snail by a river in a village in Sarawak, Malaysian Island of Borneo. Five days later, a part of the boy’s body was found in a giant crocodile boat.

In March of last year, a 78-year-old man was found inside a crocodile caught the next day after being dragged by a 4.5m crocodile in the same village.

Reporter Kim Bong-ju [email protected]
