Amy returns home.. Wheesung admitted to trial on charges of propofol medication

Amy, Wheesung (Photo = E-Daily DB)

[이데일리 정시내 기자] Amy, a broadcaster who had been forced to leave the country after taking propofol, returned to Korea and gained a lot of attention. Among them, singer Wheesung, who insisted on taking drugs, is reported to be on trial on charges of habitual administration of propofol, a psychotropic sleep anesthetic.

According to the Daegu District Prosecutors’ Office on the 21st, Wheesung and an acquaintance were arrested on August 31st last year for violating the Narcotics Control Act (emotion), and were first tried at the Daegu District Court on the 19th.

Wheesung is accused of taking Propofol several times in December 2019. Afterwards, the police caught Wheesung’s suspicion of purchasing Propofol and sent it to the prosecution in April last year with an indictment.

According to one media, it is presumed that the accused acquaintance with Wheesung admitted all the charges. Seongogi Day is March 9th.

In 2013, Wheesung was also investigated by the prosecution for routine administration of propofol, a type of sleep anesthetic, but was convicted of treatment for the purpose of treatment. However, Amy was caught up in suspicion that the charges of propofol in the past were concealed by revealing that’I had taken Propofol with Soulmate A (Wheesung) every time’ through SNS.

In particular, Amy was controversial, claiming that she had planned to shoot rape photos and videos for fear of being discovered that Wheesung did a propofol together. Wheesung refuted this. Afterwards, the two released a recording of the phone call saying that there was a misunderstanding, and Amy also posted an apology, ending the controversy.

Meanwhile, Wheesung was found collapsed in a bathroom in a building in Songpa-gu, Seoul in March of last year with propofol medication, and in April, he was caught again in a toilet in a shopping district in Gwangjin-gu. It is reported that there was a vial of’Etomy Date’ at the site. It is a general anesthetic that causes the patient to become asleep and relaxed without consciousness before or during the operation.
