Amy, “I want a new departure” to enter Korea after 5 years of forced departure

Amy, a broadcaster who was forced to leave Korea after taking psychotropic drugs, is returning to Korea through Incheon International Airport Terminal 2 on the afternoon of the 20th. Newsis

Broadcaster Amy (real name Yunji Lee) brightened the Korean soil again five years after the forced departure.

Amy entered the country from Guangzhou, China through Incheon International Airport on the 20th. Initially, he was scheduled to enter the country on the 13th, but due to visa issues, the departure was delayed for a week, so he arrived on this day.

Amy, who appeared at the departure hall, was dressed in a gray hat, scarf and coat.

Amy, who appeared with a lot of luggage on two large carrier carts, greeted her by bowing her hands to 90 degrees as she faced the reporters.

Amy, a broadcaster who was forced to leave Korea after taking psychotropic drugs, is returning to Korea through Incheon International Airport Terminal 2 on the afternoon of the 20th. Newsis

In an interview with the reporter, Amy said, “The five years of punishment have ended and I have a desire to start anew.”

Earlier, in December 2015, Amy was forcibly deported by the court for a period of five years, following charges of taking propofol and zolpidem. In October 2017, after obtaining approval from the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in LA, he temporarily entered Korea to attend the wedding of his younger brother.

Amy, who is known to have lived in Guangzhou, China, plans to meet her family after going through a self-isolation period for the next two weeks.

Meanwhile, Amy appeared on Olive TV’s’The Evil Girl’s Diary Season 3’in 2008 and became popular and played an active part in various entertainment programs.

Reporter Yoon Jong Han [email protected]

[ⓒ 세계일보 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
