“Amnesty, cannot contribute to national integration” 56%… President Moon’s positive evaluation 35.5% lowest

A public opinion poll found that half of the respondents thought negatively about the pardons of the two former presidents, Park Geun-hye and Lee Myung-bak.

Today (11th), a public opinion polling agency Real Meter announced the results of a survey on the’Assessment of Contribution to National Integration of the Ex-President’s Amnesty’ on the 8th at the request of YTN.

As a result of the survey, 56.1% of respondents said that the amnesty would not contribute to national unity.

Specifically, 35.2% said they would not contribute at all, and 20.9% said they would not contribute much.

On the other hand, 38.8% said they will contribute (18.5% will contribute very much, 20.3% will contribute somewhat).

5.1% said they were not sure.

There were also differences by ideology.

Eight out of 10 progressive individuals (81.4%) answered that they would not contribute (60.0% would not contribute at all, 21.4% would not contribute much).

Conservative (48.1% contributing, 50.1% non-contributing) and moderate (46.9% contributing, 49.2% non-contributing) had a tightly divided positive and negative response.

The survey was conducted on 500 people over the age of 18 nationwide.

The sample error is ±4.4 points at a 95% confidence level.

■ 35.5% of President Moon’s positive evaluation… Minimum after taking office

President Moon Jae-in’s affirmative evaluation of the performance of state affairs recorded 30% for six consecutive weeks.

Today, Realmeter announced the results of a survey of’the approval rating of President Moon’s performance of state administration’ commissioned by YTN.

As a result, the affirmative evaluation of the performance of the government was found to be 35.5%, down 1.1 percentage points from the previous week.

This is the lowest after taking office.

Since the first week of December last year, 37.4%→36.7%→39.5%→36.7%→36.6%→35.5%, recording the 30% level for 6 consecutive weeks.

The negative evaluation also reached the highest level since taking office.

The negative evaluation was 60.9%, up 1.0 percentage point from the previous week.

It entered the 60% range for the first time after taking office.

From the first week of December last year, the negative ratings from 57.4%→58.2%→57.7%→59.7%→59.9%→60.9%.

■ Party support, Democratic Party 29.3%, people’s power 33.5%

In addition, the Democratic Party’s approval rating was 29.3%, down 0.4 percentage points from the previous week.

The power of the people recorded 33.5%, up 3.1 percentage points from the previous week.

The approval ratings of the Nationalist Party, the Open Democratic Party, and the Justice Party were 8.0%, 5.4%, and 4.8%, respectively.

The People’s Party rose 0.6 percentage points from the previous week, while the Open Democratic Party and Justice Party fell 1.5 percentage points and 1.0 percentage points, respectively.

The survey was conducted on 2,513 people over the age of 18 nationwide on the 4th to 8th.

The sample error is ±2.0% points at the 95% confidence level.
