‘Amhaengeosa’ Yoo Jang-young, Huh Dang’s charm → Provides decisive clues Impressive first appearance

Top Daily Reporter Seo Sang-Hyun =’Amhaengeosa’ Yoo Jang-young brilliantly saved the character’s Huh Dang-mi, shining his presence from the first appearance.

In the 6th episode of KBS2’s Monday and Tuesday drama’Amhaengeosa: Chosun Secret Investigation Group’ (directed Kim Jeong-min/screenplay Park Seong-hoon, Kang Min-seon), Joo-nam (Yoo Jang-young) provided a decisive clue to Amhaeng-eosa Lee Gyeom (Kim Myung-soo) and made an impressive first appearance. Informed.

On this day, Lee Gyeom went to the province after chasing a band of bandits who had been riding against the family, and faced Junam in the inn after night.

Joonam, who announced his unusual appearance with a flashing look, stole money from Lee’s bot gym and ran away at dawn after Lee Gyeom and Dain (Kwon Nara) left the room for a while. Knowing this late, the Lee Gyeom group followed Joonam, but what they found was a woman bleeding at Lee Dae-gam’s house.

The Lee Gyeom group, who stepped into Lee Dae-gam’s house along the way, discovers countless corpses, and realizes that it is an unusual incident, and the investigation of Guan-a, which began afterwards, is also not carried out properly.

At that moment, it was Joonam who provided the decisive clue to Lee Gyeom. Junam said to the passers-by who flocked in front of Lee Dae-gam’s house, “Is there one or two people in this town who had a grudge against Lee Dae-gam? They were notorious for their high-ranking business. The crypts don’t know why they can’t stand still.” Was overheard.

Afterwards, Lee Gyeom was caught by the crowd and only Junam. He hurriedly flees, flirted, and eventually caught and kneeled down to his knees.

On this day, Joonam informed Lee Gyeom of the location of the battlefield and actively helped the investigation without knowing it.

After the 6th episode, in which Joonam’s pleasant performance left a strong impression, the reason why Joonam of pure charm touched Lee Gyeom’s bot gym and the background in which he entered the battle room was arousing curiosity. lost.

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