‘American version Jung-in’ saved with three notes, restaurant employee’s base

The story of the rescue of an eleven-year-old boy who suffered severe abuse from his adoptive father is becoming a hot topic in the United States. It was the interest and base of a restaurant employee who accidentally stopped by to save the child.

I can’t eat alone alone
‘Are you okay?’ ‘Can I help you?’ Confirm delivery of the message
Save a boy who was seriously abused by his adoptive father
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According to ABC broadcasts, the protagonist who saved the child was Flavian Carvalho, the manager of Mrs. Potato Restaurant in Orlando, Florida, USA.

On the 1st, he noticed something strange as he watched the family of four people who visited the store.

The parents and one child were eating, but only the other boy who was with them could not eat.

“Do you need help?” Carvalho, a restaurant employee who saved the child after confirming the abuse with a note that wrote. [트위터]

The child was skinny and at first glance there were signs of bruises on his body. The skin barely visible under the mask also had a scar. There was a bruise on the temple and a large scratch between the eyebrows.

When he had an intuition that he was an abused child, the manager wrote “Are you okay?”. The boy saw the note and nodded.

The manager handed out a note again. “Really?” The boy nodded again.

However, the manager still couldn’t shake the feeling of doubt.

Finally he wrote, “Do you need help?” Then the boy nodded again.

Upon confirming the sign asking for help, Carvalho immediately informed the Orlando police, and his parents were arrested by a police officer who ran.

The investigation revealed that the boy had been routinely abused by his adoptive father Timothy Wilson, 34. There was also a record of being arrested several times on charges of child abuse. The boy was full of scars and weighed 18kg less than the average of a boy his age. The investigators said the boy was in very poor health when he was investigated, and that if left unattended, it was a dangerous situation that could result in loss of life.

Foster Wilson was imprisoned in Orange County Prison. His mother, Christine Swan, was also arrested for child abuse.

A stepfather and mother arrested for child abuse. [트위터]

A stepfather and mother arrested for child abuse. [트위터]

Carvalho’s manager received a call from the Orlando police on the 20th that the child is regaining health. He said he had a birthday on that day, and he told the local media, “There is no better birthday present.” He said, “I am proud of the fact that the boy has the opportunity to live a better life and that he can be cared for.” He also said he wanted to keep in touch with the boy and stay in touch in the future.

A caricature depicting a restaurant employee who used his wits to save a child who had been abused as'Wonder Woman' [트위터]

A caricature depicting a restaurant employee who used his wits to save a child who had been abused as’Wonder Woman’ [트위터]

The story of a restaurant employee saving an abused boy is also making a big splash online.

On the crowdfunding site Go Fund Me, a fundraising campaign to help Mrs. Potato Restaurant and Carvalho’s manager took place. As it became known that the restaurant was hit hard by the aftermath of the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19).

According to the Go Fund Me website, as of the 26th, more than 1,200 people participated in the fundraising and raised 41,000 dollars (about 45 million won). The founder of the funding introduced Carvalho’s story, saying, “Courage is not living without fear, but doing the right thing even when you are afraid to die.”

A painting by an artist named Sean McHugh depicting Carvalho as a super hero in a movie is also drawing attention on social media. The manager is drawn to Wonder Woman with a memo that says “Do you need help?”

Reporter Seo Yujin [email protected]
