‘American talk show legend’ Larry King dies of Corona 19

American legendary broadcaster Larry King died of Corona 19. [사진=뉴시스]

[아이뉴스24 정상호 기자] American talk show legend Larry King (real name Lawrence Harvey Zeiger) has passed away. 87 years old.

Oramedia, founded by Larry King, posted on King’s Twitter on the 23rd (hereafter local time), saying, “Our co-founder, host, and friend Larry King died at the Cedars Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles this morning at the age of 87. “He said.

Larry King was admitted to a hospital for treatment after being diagnosed with a novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) on the 3rd. Larry King has long been loved as the emperor of American talk shows and host of longevity programs. Starting out as a journalist, he was active on radio and television in Dongnan in 63 years.

In particular, for about 25 years from 1985 to 2010, the talk show’Larry King Live’ was held more than 6,000 times on CNN in the U.S. and spoke with celebrities.

He suffered a heart attack in 1987 and suffered several health problems, including bypass surgery, lung cancer surgery, and treatment for angina.

In 2012, he co-founded with the Mexican telecommunications giant Carlos Slim and hosted the ‘Larry King Now’, which airs three times a week on the on-demand digital network Aura TV.

In July and August of last year, a 65-year-old son and a 52-year-old daughter suffered a series of deaths.

Reporter Sangho Sangho [email protected]
