American soldiers salute to granddaughter of high rank even with grandfather lying in bed

In the movie ``The Officer and the Gentleman,'' the officer candidate (Richard Gere) held an appointment ceremony, and after wearing a so-called insignia, visited the training assistant (Lewis Gossett Jr.) to receive the first salute.  Before receiving the first salute, he was handed a silver coin. [유튜브 Lemon Juice 계정 캡처]

In the movie “Officer and Gentleman,” an officer candidate (Richard Gere) has an appointment ceremony, then wears a so-called insignia and goes to a training assistant (Lewis Gossett Jr.) to receive the first salute. Before receiving the first salute, he was handed a silver coin. [유튜브 Lemon Juice 계정 캡처]

At the end of last year, some of the chief executives filed a complaint with the National Human Rights Commission saying that’Army Chief of Staff Nam Young-shin violated the moral rights, and the debate over the roles of officers and deputies is hot.

I remember the movie’An Officer and A Gentleman’, which was released in 1982. This film is famous for the work of leading actor Richard Gere as a world-class actor. It also contains interesting content related to the culture of the U.S. military, which symbolizes the relationship between officers and non-commissioned officers.

Jack Mayo, an officer candidate in the role of Richard Gere, receives very harsh and brutal training from training assistant sergeant Polly (Louise Gossett Jr.). Sergeant Polly is a cold-blooded assistant with no blood or tears, and thoroughly trains the body and mind of officer candidates.

On the day of the graduation ceremony, after training, as soon as the candidates finish their appointment, they all wear a so-called insignia and go to the harsh TA, Sergeant Poli. It is to receive an official salute from Sergeant Foley, who became a subordinate from a teaching assistant who was a senior at his time as a candidate. Sergeant Foley leaves a touching and long aftertaste by giving a polite and modest hand-to-hand salute to a former trainee who became a superior by being appointed as a so-called senior.

A veteran sergeant who fought in the Second World War and the Korean War at Norwich University in the United States in 2008 gave his first salute to the newly appointed officer on the same day and shakes hands. [사진 미 국방부]

A veteran sergeant who fought in the Second World War and the Korean War at Norwich University in the United States in 2008 gives a first salute to the newly appointed officer on the same day and shakes hands. [사진 미 국방부]

This scene shows the’First Salute’ tradition that exists in American military culture. In the U.S. military, there is a ceremony to receive the first salute from a deputy officer, usually a deputy with a long history of military life, after being appointed as an officer. It is said to be an event that shows respect for the officer and a determination to follow the instructions and orders of the supervisor by politely salute to the lieutenant who has just been appointed.

There is another tradition here. The new ensign receives his first salute from his assistant and gives a gift of a dollar silver dollar to the deputy who salutes him. Therefore, the First Salute is also called’Silver Salute’.

The history and tradition of the first salute

The’first salute’ is a legacy left by the US military since the 19th century after British colonial rule. The US military has designated an enlisted adviser who individually advises newly appointed officers.

An assistant sergeant who is skilled in military affairs advised new officers who did not yet have sufficient knowledge of military affairs and the situation of the army and advised various military affairs such as the history of the unit and how to tie ropes. At this time, the tradition of officers giving assistant sergeants about one dollar for labor from their own salary (the so-called salary at the time was about 25 dollars) was established.

One dollar silver coin sold in the US [사진]

One dollar silver coin sold in the US [사진]

The custom of serving as a tutoring teacher for military affairs is for a trained sergeant to act as a military advisor to a new officer. This was not an official system, but it was an organizational culture for mutual growth. The vice-committee tells us a lot of know-how through his long military life, but this is to keep the strict respect and discipline between the officer and the corps.

So even now, in the US military, ensigns who are appointed as officers prepare a dollar bill or silver coin (usually around 50 dollars) before the appointment. This is because of the tradition of giving a dollar silver coin to the deputy officer who first salutes him after his appointment.

Usually, the’first salute’ is held at the first unit after the appointment. The first salute sergeant to receive a dollar silver coin is usually designated as the unit’s chief executive or as an experienced senior sergeant. It expresses respect for the new ranks and positions of the new ensign and declares that he will serve as a kind of responsible’mentor’, a promise that he will not spare much advice regarding the unit.

An old man who was retired from the army in 2014 is on the lookout for his granddaughter who was newly appointed as ensign in the Navy. [사진]

An old man who was retired from the army in 2014 is on the lookout for his granddaughter who was newly appointed as ensign. [사진]

In some appointing ceremonies, a granddaughter who was appointed as a so-called granddaughter from a grandfather who is an elder deputy for reserve duty may be received. The meaning of the symbolic event that the officer respects the NCO’s economy, and the NCO obey the officer’s orders and fulfills its duties is also contained in the’U.S. Army Officer’s Service Manual.’

U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff’s History

At the 2015 U.S. Military Academy graduation ceremony, U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey, who was a few months ahead of her military service, gave a congratulatory speech. During this speech, I talked about the first salute that took place when I was appointed as the Army Lieutenant and then as the first unit.

The first salute was given by an sergeant named Bernie Henderson, who at the time said that he had written his name on a dollar bill. And Henderson recalled that it helped me a lot in the military life by giving me a lot of advice about the unit for a long time.

US Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey (right) and Chief Executive Officer Yoon-hee Choi, who visited Korea in 2015, are inspecting the honor guard at a welcome chairman event held at the Yongsan Joint Chiefs of Staff Training Center. [중앙포토]

US Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey (right) and Chief Executive Officer Yoon-hee Choi, who visited Korea in 2015, are inspecting the honor guard at the welcome chairman event held at the Yongsan Joint Chiefs of Staff Training Center. [중앙포토]

Chairman Dempsey shared the conversation, saying a call came from his first salute, Henderson, his first salute a few years ago. Henderson said, “If Lieutenant Dempsey grows up to be a great officer and becomes a respected general, he has pledged to return the dollar he received for his first salute, but it seems time to send the dollar he has kept.”

Soon after, a dollar with Martin Dempsey’s name on it arrived in a frame. The letter enclosed here says, “I am pleased that Ensign Dempsey, where I first saluteed, has become the highest rank of the military, and to be a general admired by all soldiers. I’m glad to keep it.”

In his speech, Chairman Dempsey emphasized the importance of mutual respect between officers and sergeants on the academy graduates. To all the graduates (about 980 people), Dempsey gave one dollar bill with his name on it as a gift. For me, it’s the Last Salute.

Army Chief of Staff Nam Young-shin (center) visited the drone training center in the central region in December last year and checked the drone pilot training site where the NCO demonstrates. [사진 육군 제공]

Army Chief of Staff Nam Young-shin (center) visited the drone training center in the central region in December last year and checked the drone pilot training site where the NCO demonstrates. [사진 육군 제공]

The right relationship between officer and sergeant

Officers are the pillars of the military, playing a key role in the military. That is why the words of responsibility and dedication are always followed by officers. The declaration of appointment of a US military officer emphasizes the protection of the constitution, responsibility and duty, trust and loyalty.

On the other hand, the affidavit of the vice sergeant states that it is the protection of the constitution, trust and loyalty, and obedience to the orders of superiors. The values ​​to be pursued as soldiers are equal, but the duties are clearly distinguished.

The establishment of clear relations, division of roles, and a culture of cooperation and complementary relations between upper and lower are important factors in creating a healthy and strong military culture.

In recent years, there are many problems with discipline problems in the military, especially the conflict between officers and non-commissioned officers, and even the climax. In particular, the erroneous behavior of older vice officers who ignore the authority of younger new officers is of concern.

It is also considered a serious problem that the officers themselves betray their honor and pride.

The time has come to seriously discuss what kind of relationship the officers and the vice officers should truly establish and how to strive to build a strong army. In the beginning of a military culture that creates a strong army, the formation of a culture between correct and clear officers and non-commissioned officers should be a priority.

※ Kim Jin-hyung, “Speaking of the Korean Army” (Max Media, 2017) has been modified.

Kim Jin-hyung, Military Mutual Aid Association, Former Navy 1st Fleet Commander
