American children finally… “Wow! Let’s go to school”

A school in California that teaches at a distance [AFP=연합뉴스]

picture explanationA school in California that teaches at a distance [AFP=연합뉴스]

It is expected that the doors of American schools that were locked by Corona 19 will be reopened.

On the 12th (local time), major U.S. foreign media including the Washington Post (WP) reported that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced five strategies for resuming elementary, middle, and high schools.

CDC said, “There is evidence that many elementary, middle, and high schools that have strictly enforced quarantine measures can safely resume face-to-face classes,” said CDC.

In the case of elementary schools, it was recommended that minimum face-to-face classes can be safely resumed on the premise of quarantine measures. Middle and high schools are more demanding than this. The condition that staff and students are tested for COVID-19 every week can open the door in communities with low infection rates.

However, in the case of the’Red Zone’ area, which means the community with the highest infection rate, it was proposed to establish strict quarantine measures and conduct online and offline classes.

US President Joe Biden assisted in implementing a statement on the CDC recommendation: “The best scientific evidence on how to safely resume schools.”

However, the New York Times reported that it is unclear whether the guidelines for resumption of schools will persuade the Kangsung Teachers’ Union. This is because the resumption did not specify the mandatory vaccination. In addition, foreign media report that the position of parents who are reluctant to risk infection will be the key to reopening school.

[한우람 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
