America, how cold would it be… 31 dead, sea turtle fainted

A record heavy snowfall and cold wave continued in the central and southern part of the United States, killing 31 people so far, causing large and small damages such as power outages. Thousands of sea turtles, paralyzed by the cold wave, were also rushing to the shore.

Reporter Kim Jung-ki covered it.


In the cold of -20 degrees Celsius, water pipes burst, the ceiling collapsed, and icicles were formed throughout the house.

[토마스 블랙/텍사스 주민 : 내가 태어난 이후 이런 강추위는 처음 경험했습니다. 상황을 보고 심각하다는 것을 알았습니다.]

A winter storm led to massive blackouts, which forced 5.5 million households in 18 states to fall into the cold.

Various fires and falls have killed 31 people so far, including two people dying while trying to overcome the cold while starting in the car.

[브라이스 스미스/텍사스 주민 : (차 안에서) 시동을 걸고 연료가 떨어질 때까지 차 안에서 몸을 녹였어요.]

In the midst of this, stocking took place, and goods were sold out at the mart.

Samsung Electronics’ semiconductor plant in Austin, Texas, has also stopped due to power shortages.

It is said that this is the first time in 22 years since its establishment that this plant has been shut down.

On the beach in Texas, about 4,000 sea turtles, paralyzed from the cold wave, have been pushed to the beach since the 14th and were rescued by volunteers.

In the midst of this, Mayor Tim Boyd of Colorado City, a small town in western Texas, said on social media that “only strong people survive,” and “don’t blindly ask for support.”

The U.S. Meteorological Administration predicts that a new winter storm will sweep south-central and northeastern regions over the next two days.

There are 100 million inhabitants in areas where the new storm warning has been issued.
