All the newspapers on one page in the wake of the swaying chief civil servant

On the 18th, the morning newspapers dealt with the surge of death of Shin Hyun-soo, chief executive officer of the Blue House, as headlines on the front page. While it was difficult to understand the explanation that’President Moon thought that the senior prosecutor’s personnel plan was coordinated’ at the Blue House, he raised his observations and questions on the background of President Moon’s home.

Newspapers published on the front page an explanation of the conflict with Justice Minister Park Beom-gye over the high-ranking prosecutors’ officials and the process of expressing Chief Shin’s death.

▲ Collection of one page of major general daily newspapers on the 18th
▲ Collection of one page of major general daily newspapers on the 18th

The Blue House said on the 17th that Shin expressed his gratitude to President Moon several times after having a conflict with Minister Park over the prosecutor-level personnel. A high-ranking official at the Blue House said, “Senior Shin attempted mediation between the prosecution and the Ministry of Justice, and it seems that he expressed his appreciation for the announcement of personnel while the coordination was in progress.” “The Minister of Justice’s proposal (with Chief Min Jeong) In the state, it was reported and announced.” According to the Hankyoreh, “It is unusual to recognize the fact that the resignation of the senior staff of the Blue House was not accepted.”

According to the newspapers, Shin was in the position to replace Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office Lee Seong-yoon and Sim Jae-cheol, the Prosecutors’ Office of Justice, who are regarded as’Chu Mi-ae Line’ in senior prosecutors’ personnel. However, even after receiving opinions from Chief Shin, Minister Park reportedly received approval after reporting directly to President Moon the personnel plan to leave Prosecutor Lee and move Shim to Seoul Southern District Prosecutor’s Office.

The Hankook Ilbo said that the prosecution officer’s holiday was very unusual, and the news was notified about an hour before the announcement of the Chief Kendo’s personnel, and that Chief Shin and Minister Park were scheduled to meet for final coordination on the 8th and 9th, but this process was omitted.

The Kyunghyang Shinmun is in the form of a reenactment of the’Chu-Yun incident’, which seemed to be managed by President Moon’s’Prosecution Reform and Inclusion Initiative’, as a’Shin-Park conflict’. Even as President Moon Jae-in who finally signed the uncoordinated high-ranking prosecutor’s personnel plan, he will feel a considerable burden.”

▲ 1 page of Kyunghyang Shinmun on the 18th
▲ 1 page of Kyunghyang Shinmun on the 18th

The Hankook Ilbo said, “The post-storm of the resignation of Shin Hyun-soo, the president of the Blue House, which sparked a conflict over the prosecution’s personnel, has no choice but to be directed towards President Moon Jae-in.” “President Moon spoke of’a mood of reconciliation’ with the prosecution in the new year, but’compromising with the prosecution “I have no intention of doing it,” he said. The Hankook Ilbo said, “The former and current (prosecutors) officers are not raising doubts that the request for a warrant for arrest of former Minister Baek on the 4th of the Daejeon District Prosecutor’s Office investigating the suspicion of manipulating the economic feasibility of the Wolseong nuclear power plant would have been the final blow to the failure of personnel coordination.” did.

The Hankyoreh explained in the head analysis company on the front page that “the level of conflict accumulated between the Blue House, the Ministry of Justice, and the prosecution organization in the prosecution reform process promoted by the Moon Jae-in administration is that high.” The Hankyoreh said, “It’s an insignificant signal from the fact that even President Moon’s first prosecutor, who was elected during his term of office, will throw his post after a conflict with the head of the government over the prosecution’s personnel. Some observers say that the doctor’s expression was aimed at President Moon, not Justice Minister Park Bum-gye.”

The Dong-A Ilbo said, “President Jae-in Moon’s closest close friend, Senior Secretary of Civil Affairs Shin Hyun-soo, has not bent his appreciation for President Moon’s repeated desperation,” said the Dong-A Ilbo. “Especially after the New Year’s holiday, President Shin expressed his appreciation again. He said, “I will eventually withdraw.” The Dong-A Ilbo placed a photo of the national ritual of the State Council held at the Blue House in the head article on the front page, and processed only President Moon and Chief Shin in color, and the rest in black and white.

▲ Page 1 of the Dong-A Ilbo on the 18th
▲ Page 1 of the Dong-A Ilbo on the 18th
▲ 1 side of the Hankyoreh on the 18th
▲ 1 side of the Hankyoreh on the 18th

When President Moon reapproved the personnel plan, speculation came as to whether he knew that the matter was not coordinated. The Blue House explained that Minister Park reported the uncoordinated personnel plan directly to President Moon, and that President Moon recognized that he had finished coordinating with Chief Shin, and decided to announce it again.

Hankyoreh said, “Before this prosecutor-level personnel, there were many expectations in the politics and legal circles that they would be in the shape of accommodating the demands of General Yoon to some extent in order to thoroughly read the complaints of the prosecutors’ organization accumulated under the predecessor, Minister Chu Mi-ae. In the announced personnel plan, President Yoon’s opinion was not accepted at all.” The Hankyoreh said, “If the Minister of Justice skipped the chief civil servant and even reported directly to the president as if it had been’consulted with the chief’, he could get caught up in controversy over’superiority’ or’deception’.”

The Hankook Ilbo said, “In light of the remarks of Minister Park that emphasized communication with President Yoon before and after his inauguration and open dialogue, the same result came out even though it was believed that the controversy over’Yun Seok-yeol passing’ would not arise.” It was tailored to the intention of the Blue House rather than Minister Park.”

The JoongAng Ilbo said in the article on the top page, “When Shin first expressed his appreciation to President Moon before the Lunar New Year holidays, multiple passport officials said on the 17th that President Moon indicated his intention to repair it. “Isn’t President Moon turning to the pressure of the company because of fear of a headwind that might affect the re-employment of the 4/7 election?”

▲ 1 page of the Chosun Ilbo on the 18th
▲ 1 page of the Chosun Ilbo on the 18th

The Chosun Ilbo reported in the headline on the front page that Shin was known to have insisted that’the Blue House should not intervene’ in response to the suspicion of the inspection by the National Intelligence Service of the Lee Myung-bak administration. During a closed meeting of the Blue House on the 16th, he made the claim on the grounds of violating the election law, and he also delivered a position to President Moon that “the Blue House special inspector should be appointed as soon as possible” and “the high-ranking public service criminal investigation office should not go as it is”. The Chosun Ilbo said that the Blue House official said, “I was a little surprised that Shin suddenly brought up the story of the NIS,” and “he continued to express his opinion even in the situation where he expressed his gratitude several times.”

The Chosun Ilbo said, “Concerning the suspicion of corruption at the Wolseong nuclear power plant, the interpretation came out as to whether it would be a protest as a result of the request for an arrest warrant against the former Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy.”

In an editorial, the Kyunghyang Shinmun said, “I cannot forbid deplorability because I do not want to believe that it is what is happening at the National Command Tower. He said, “I have doubts whether the Blue House has an internal coordination function or not,” he said. “President Moon should clarify the part of Shin’s resignation. Legally, the prosecution is required by the president on the recommendation of the minister, so there is no room for Shin’s intervention. If President Moon accepted the intention of Minister Park and decided to greet him, then Chief Shin should also accept it.”

The Seoul newspaper said, “It is difficult to guarantee the completion of the reform of the prosecution if even the leader of the civilian government continues to pass personnel trouble. In addition, one of the main duties of the chief civil servant is the coordination of differences between the legal affairs and the prosecution.”

The Chosun Ilbo said, “Senior Shin, a former prosecutor, is from the presidential election camp where Roh Moo-hyun worked with President Moon at the Blue House. If it’s too bad, even such a person will rebel.” “Seeing an important prosecutor’s greeting, nothing has changed. It was just a show that was set to dilute public opinion in favor of Yun.”

Hankook Ilbo, MB National Intelligence Service’s Bae Jin-kyo temple documents released

The Hankook Ilbo released the original document of the National Intelligence Service’s systematic politician inspections during the Lee Myung-bak administration. The Hankook Ilbo reported the document of the National Intelligence Service temple in 2011, when Justice Party lawmaker Bae Jin-gyo was head of the Namdong-gu, Incheon, along with image files.

▲ 1 page of the Hankook Ilbo on the 18th
▲ 1 page of the Hankook Ilbo on the 18th

According to the headline on the front page of the Hankook Ilbo, the NIS in the document “The facts and considerations of obstacles to the operation of state administration by the heads of opposition local governments’ produced on September 15, 2011, It prioritizes and is against the state policy, so active control is necessary.” The subject of inspection of the document was 8 regional local government heads and 24 basic local government heads, belonging to the Democratic Party (predecessor to the Democratic Party) and the Democratic Labor Party (predecessor to the Justice Party). The document consists of a’General Discussion’ that analyzes the issues of 32 opposition local government heads as a whole and a’Appendix’ section listing individual issues.

The Hankook Ilbo said, “The 14-page document clearly contains how the Lee Myung-bak administration tried to define and deal with the opposition party.” “The heads of local governments belonging to the opposition party were criticized for’Jongbuk”Ideology Pollution”Resident Deception”National Identity He said that the use of expressions such as’damage’ indicates that the standard of the temple was’color theory.’

Reportedly, the NIS was bad because it raised the real name of the head of the local government, △reduced support for conservative groups, △adjusted the ‘long North and left’ people for major positions, and △ held a lecture with a ‘leftist instructor’. At the time, Bae Jin-gyo, the head of Namdong-gu, said, “I ran a’parent school’ (150 people) and assigned a former KTU/CTU.”

▲ 5 pages of the Hankook Ilbo on the 18th
▲ 5 pages of the Hankook Ilbo on the 18th

It also included an order for the NIS to mobilize government ministries to pressure the opposition local governments. The Ministry of Public Administration and Security was forced to provide incentives such as special grant tax and total personnel expenses to “local governments that cooperate with the state government” along with disadvantages such as reduction of the grant tax and the suspension of issuance of local bonds. The Board of Audit and Inspection said, “Please check closely whether the North Korean group is using subsidies for social groups.”

The Hankook Ilbo overshadows the speculation of some of the political circles, “It’s called an inspection, but it wasn’t at the level of grasping trends.” Above all, the NIS identified the areas that could be the weaknesses of the opposition heads of local governments in detail and made a table in the document and recorded them one by one, as well as writing down’action plans’ by government departments to pressure them.”

Elderly vaccinations that were pushed from top priority to subordinate’should not have postponed’

The JoongAng Ilbo said in the headline on the front page, “The elderly in nursing hospitals want to get AZ even”, the health authorities postponed the AstraZeneca vaccination of 37,700 elderly in nursing hospitals for about two months, leaving high-risk elderly people still at risk. The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) Commissioner Jeong Eun-kyung put medical facility workers and elderly patients in nursing facilities as the top priority for vaccination at the National Assembly last month, and after playing and playing, the elderly in nursing facilities were pushed to the next priority.

According to the JoongAng Ilbo, the Korean Agency for Disease Control and Prevention said on the 28th of last month that the AZ vaccine would be hit on patients and workers in nursing homes, and on the 1st of this month, the verification advisory group of the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety also revealed that there is no reason to exclude the administration of the elderly. However, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety’s Central Pharmacy Review Committee on the 5th gave a negative opinion, the experts who attended the KCB briefing on the 8th gave a strong affirmative opinion, and on the 10th the KFDA gave an opinion that’a doctor should judge’ Confirmed the hold. The JoongAng Ilbo said, “We only make scientific judgments based on data. “The Agency for Disease Control and Prevention decides whether or not to fit the elderly in consideration of the quarantine or vaccine supply situation.”

▲ 18th JoongAng Ilbo page 1
▲ 18th JoongAng Ilbo page 1

As of the 15th, 40% of all deaths in Korea due to Corona 19 were related to nursing hospitals and nursing homes. From December last year to January this year, 219 people died in nursing hospitals alone. The JoongAng Ilbo said, “There is a high possibility that 300 to 400 more people will die in nursing hospitals and nursing homes in the next two months. “The Korean Association of Nursing Hospitals officially suggested to the Korean Disease Service on the 15th,’If you want to get the AZ vaccine,’ he said, “it was not accepted.”

The Hankook Ilbo published a column, “Vaccination for the elderly, shouldn’t have been postponed” by Professor Jeong Jae-hoon of the Department of Preventive Medicine, Gachon Medical University. AstraZeneca reviewed 1.5 million vaccination cases in the UK and found no specific side effects, and the ability to form antibodies, which are important for preventing infection, did not decrease significantly in the elderly. Professor Jeong said, “The reason why the vaccine was inoculated with age 65 or older attracted special attention because some European countries have withheld the use of the vaccine due to lack of data,” said Professor Jeong. “Only 5% of the subjects of the study were over 70 years old. The issue is whether it has the same effect on the elderly,” he said.

▲ The 18th Hankook Ilbo p. 27
▲ The 18th Hankook Ilbo p. 27

Professor Jeong said, “According to the results of recent studies, the effect of preventing infection was more than 74.6%, and the effect of preventing serious aggravation was very good. It is a vaccine that is already being vaccinated in the UK, and has been approved by the World Health Organization (WHO) and European regulatory authorities. As it is a vaccine, its effectiveness and safety must be considered as exceeding the minimum standards.” “In government announcements, there are several expressions that say that the evidence for safety and immunity-forming ability has been secured. Because of this, it feels contradictory to say,’Safe and effective, but postponing vaccination because of lack of evidence.’

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