“All policy competencies for real estate stability” Fulfilling measures before the Lunar New Year holidays

[세종=이데일리 이명철 기자] As apartment prices continue to rise, concerns are deepening in the government’s response. As President Moon Jae-in declared’innovative and diverse housing supply’, plans such as high-density urban development are being discussed. While real estate measures are expected to come out before Lunar New Year’s Day, discussions between political parties are expected to continue.

A view of downtown apartments from Namsan, Seoul. (Photo = Yonhap News)

Development of station area and semi-industrial areas, promotion of small-scale public reconstruction

According to the Ministry of Strategy and Finance on the 9th, a meeting of ministers related to the real estate market inspection will be held on the 15th, presided over by Hong Nam-ki, Deputy Prime Minister of the Economy and Minister of Strategy and Finance.

Government measures to stabilize the real estate market are continuing. Last year alone, △2-20 measures (expansion of regulated areas, etc.) △6-17 measures (expansion of overheated speculation districts, etc.) △7-10 measures (increased tax rates, etc.) Went out to

Even with tightening regulations, the real estate market continued to open. In addition, uncertainty in the jeonse market has also increased, with the jeonse price soaring after the’Three Lease Act’ passed the National Assembly, such as guaranteeing the right to apply for contract renewal of tenants. Accordingly, it announced the 11/19 measures, including measures to supply cheonsei measures, and is also focusing on housing supply plans.

President Moon said at this year’s first state council meeting held on the 5th that “we will not hesitate to establish additional measures,” and “we will focus on quickly preparing innovative and diverse housing supply plans.”

Deputy Prime Minister Hong also reviewed the progress of housing supply and demand measures at the related ministers’ meeting (green room meeting) held the next day, suggesting additional measures by stating that “relevant ministries will work closely to stabilize the real estate market and put all available policy capabilities”. did.

It is known that the high-density development of the city center will be the new supply plan after Byeon Chang-heum takes office. It is planning to supply apartments for sale in downtown Seoul through high-density development such as station areas, semi-industrial areas, and low-rise residential areas.

It is also considering ways to increase the supply of housing by public participation in small-scale reconstruction. In addition, Democratic Party lawmaker Chun Jun-ho recently raised the floor area ratio to 120% of the legal upper limit when public participation in small-scale reconstruction projects, and 20-50% of which is donated to public leases. .

The party government plans to hold a meeting before the Lunar New Year holiday and discuss measures to provide housing. In addition, the Democratic Party originally planned to hold a party-political consultation on the real estate policy on the 7th, but delayed the period to improve the policy completion. The government is also expected to organize detailed plans through a meeting of related ministers on the 15th.

On the 16th of last month, citizens are applying for unemployment recognition at an Employment Welfare Plus Center in Seoul. (Photo = Yonhap News)

Statistics Korea announces annual employment trends for 2020

As the aftermath of the third spread of Corona 19 continues into the new year, concerns about the job market are also rising. With strong social distancing, the face-to-face service industry-centered employment slump continues, leading to increased difficulties for related workers.

The National Statistical Office will announce the annual employment trend on the 13th. Annual statistics on the job market last year, hit by the Corona 19 direct hit, will be released.

According to the employment trends for November 2020 released by the National Statistical Office last month, the number of employed 15 and over decreased by 273,000 compared to the same month last year, for nine consecutive months. The employment rate over 15 years old fell 1.0 percentage point to 60.7%, and the unemployment rate rose 0.3 percentage point to 3.4%. It is the first time since January-August 2009 (8 consecutive months) that the number of employed, the employment rate, and the unemployment rate, which are the three major employment indicators, have been sluggish simultaneously for 7 months.

By industry, the number of wholesale, retail and lodging and restaurant businesses, which accounted for the large portion of the face-to-face service sector, decreased by 328,000, continuing a decline for 11 consecutive months since last January. The number of self-employed persons with employees decreased by 115,000, increasing the business difficulties of self-employed persons.

The Ministry of Science and Technology estimated the annual decrease in the number of employed people last year, estimated through the direction of economic policy in 2021. The employment rate for the aged 15 to 64 was 65.9%, down 0.9 percentage points from the previous year, and the unemployment rate was expected to rise 0.1 percentage points to 4.0%.

This year, thanks to the economic recovery and job support policies, the number of employed is expected to increase by 150,000 from the previous year. However, the rate of recovery of employment is judged to be less than this year’s economic growth rate (3.2% expected).

Deputy Prime Minister Hong said in a preliminary briefing for the police, “We will focus on expanding the employment social safety net, such as the national employment support system and the roadmap for solving blind spots in employment insurance.”

The following is the main schedule and report plan for the week of the Ministry of Information and Transportation, Statistics Korea, KDI, and KIEP.

◇ Weekly schedule

△10th (Sun)

Appeared in KBS “Sunday Diagnosis Live” (Deputy Prime Minister, KBS)

△ 11th (Mon)

10:30 Foreign Economy Ministers’ Meeting and Foreign Economic Cooperation Fund Management Committee (Deputy Prime Minister, Seoul Office)

15:00 Extended Executive Meeting (Deputy Prime Minister, 1st Vice Minister, 2nd Vice Minister, closed)

△ 12th Tuesday

10:00 State Council Meeting (Deputy Prime Minister, Seoul Government Building)

15:00 Meeting of Foreign Ministers (Deputy Prime Minister, Sejong Office)

△13th (Wed)

07:30 Noksil Conference (Deputy Prime Minister, closed)

10:00 Emergency Economy Central Countermeasure Headquarters Meeting and Korean Pannew Deal Ministers’ Meeting (Deputy Prime Minister, 1st Vice Minister, Seoul Government Building)

13:30 Emergency Economy Central Countermeasure Headquarters Meeting and Korean Pannew Deal Ministers’ Meeting Regular Briefing (Vice Minister, Seoul Office)

14:00 Corona 19 vaccine/treatment status check meeting (Deputy Prime Minister, Sejong Government Complex)

14:00 Meeting with experts on systemizing financial business evaluation (2nd Vice Minister, closed)

△14th (Thursday)

10:00 State affairs check and coordination meeting (Deputy Prime Minister, Sejong Government Complex)

14:00 Korean New Deal Party Administration Promotion Headquarters Meeting (Vice Prime Minister, 1st Vice Minister, National Assembly)

△15th (Fri)

07:30 Real Estate Market Inspection Meeting of Ministers (Deputy Prime Minister, Seoul Office)

08:00 Innovation Growth Strategy Review Meeting, Policy Review Meeting, and Korea New Deal Review TF Meeting (Vice Minister, Seoul Office)

08:00 Vice Minister’s Meeting (Second Vice Minister, Seoul Government Building)

08:30 Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters Meeting (Seoul Office)

14:00 Meeting with experts on innovation measures for public institutions (2nd Vice Minister, closed)

◇Weekly press plan

△ 11th (Mon)

10:00 Global Economy Focus-Major Policy Directions and Implications of the New Arse Government in Bolivia

10:30 The 220th Foreign Economy Ministers’ Meeting and the 136th Foreign Economic Cooperation Fund Management Committee held

17:00 Ministry of Strategy and Finance holds an extended executive meeting

△ 12th Tuesday

10:00 Published the January 2021 issue of 「Monthly Financial Trends」

10:00 State-owned property investment in kind to Kamko (proposal) resolution by the State Council

13:30 2021 International Monetary Fund (IMF) annual consultation

16:00 Meeting of external directors

△13th (Wed)

08:00 December 2020 and annual employment trend

09:00 December 2020 and annual employment trend analysis

14:00 Meeting with experts to systematize financial business evaluation

15:00 Plan to issue financial securities in January 2020

△14th (Thursday)

10:00 Global Economy Focus-EU-China Comprehensive Investment Agreement (CAI) Agreement and Evaluation

14:00 The 4th “Korea Version New Deal Party Administration Promotion Headquarters” held

△15th (Fri)

08:30 The 13th Real Estate Market Inspection Ministers’ Meeting held

08:30 The 2nd Innovation Growth Strategy Review Meeting, Policy Review Meeting, and Korea Version New Deal Review TF Meeting

10:00 Recent economic trends for January 2021
